Когда мы говорим:"Pressure is elevated" or "Pressure is lowered," this means the human blood pressure in millimeters of mercury, which is one of the main indicators of the general state of the body. Because it provides blood circulation and, as a consequence, the implementation of metabolic processes. Two indicators are important for the diagnosis of the state of the body: systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) pressure at the time of maximum contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle, respectively. It is the difference in pressure that leads to blood circulation in the human body. Normal considered to be indicators of 120 mm Hg. Art. to 80 mm Hg. Art. The pressure is usually measured by the tonometer on the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, since, in this place, it corresponds to the arterial pressure in the aorta. Deviation from normal, both upward and downward, indicates abnormalities in the body. For example, high blood pressure may indicate cardiovascular disease.
For more accurate preliminary diagnosisthe state of the body doctors always consider several indicators, among them the pulse and temperature. For the average person, a pulse of 60 to 80 beats per minute at rest is considered a normal pulse, and body temperature is from 36.5 ° C to 37.2 ° C.
Low blood pressure and low heart rate, according to medical terminology, a bradycardia,is a sign of a hypotonic state. Hypotension can be at any age and have a physiological character associated with a hereditary predisposition, or evidence of a pathology.
Low blood pressure and low heart ratePhysiological hypotension does not affect a person's well-being. Usually such people live a full-fledged life, performing any physical and mental work, and learn about reduced rates of pressure and pulse only during the medical examination. Low blood pressure and low heart rate may occur when moving to the period of adaptation, as well as in athletes as a physiological reaction after exercise. In these cases, the general state of a person is slightly worsened, but after a certain period the indicators are normalized, and the body begins to function normally.
With pathologies, low blood pressure and low heart rateoften accompanied by fainting and dizziness, weakness, drowsiness and rapid fatigue, frequent headaches and motion sickness in transport. In case of unexpected occurrence of such symptoms and with their regular recurrence for a long time, you should always consult a doctor for diagnosing the underlying cause. Low blood pressure and low pulse, which occur abruptly, without obvious causes, may be signs of acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, allergic reactions, or internal blood loss.
Затяжное хроническое состояние может testify to violations in the nervous and endocrine systems. Various endocrine disorders, for example, adrenal insufficiency, require immediate treatment, otherwise they can lead to irreversible pathological changes in the body. Also, this condition often occurs in prolonged stressful situations, with depression and chronic lack of sleep. In this case, most likely, you may need the help of a psychiatrist.
Low blood pressure and temperature with hypotension tooare interrelated, since in the hypotonic state it can decrease to 36 ° C and lower. This aggravates the hypotonia caused by some diseases, in connection with the decrease in the resistance of the organism. Before finding out the causes and diagnosing the disease, low blood pressure and temperature should be regularly increased by medicinal and folk remedies.
Frequent pulse, low pressure is verya dangerous combination, since blood flow in this case through the vessels is difficult and decreases blood supply to various organs and parts of the body. Therefore, if the bullet exceeds 83 beats per minute, and the pressure remains low, you should immediately consult a doctor. Frequent pulse, low blood pressure can be symptoms of body intoxication, signs of anemic condition, respiratory failure and other pathologies.
Thus, at a low pressure in combination with a lower temperature and a heart rate deviation from the norm, you should immediately contact a medical institution.