/ Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults. Cause of the disease and treatment

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults. Cause of the disease and treatment

Everyone knows what a sore throat is.During the development of the pathology, the patient has unpleasant symptoms, some of which even interfere with the habitual way of life. Often, throat diseases doctors call tonsillitis. It can flow in acute and chronic form. It is the last form of the disease that will be discussed later. From the article you will find out what can be the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults. Also find out something about the methods of its treatment.

symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults

Acute form

Before telling you what are the symptomschronic tonsillitis (in adults or children), should pay a little attention to the acute form of the disease. It is with her often begins the development of the described pathology.

Acute tonsillitis, in fact, is an angina.The main symptoms of the disease are sore throat, fever, general malaise, an increase in lymph nodes and so on. The cause of this pathology is a bacterial infection. It is caused by staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci. These bacteria affect the tonsils from the outside. They can enter the human body by direct contact with an infected or domestic route. The absence of timely and correct treatment of acute tonsillitis translates the disease into a chronic form.

What is chronic tonsillitis?

If during an acute form of the disease infectionaffects the larynx from the outside, then chronic angina develops directly from the tonsils. Bacteria, which were described above, colonize the entire lymphoid tissue. And with the slightest decrease in immunity - are activated.

Chronic exacerbation of tonsillitis maymanifest signs that characterize a common sore throat. Let's try to figure out what are the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis. In adults, they are defined much more clearly than in children.

chronic tonsillitis symptoms and treatment

Patient's feelings: complaints

  • With the chronic form of the disease in the stageremission in humans is almost never felt a rise in temperature. However, if you use a thermometer, you can see the values ​​on it up to 37.5 degrees.
  • An unpleasant smell from the mouth is present in almost all people suffering from chronic tonsillitis. All because of the fact that there are bacteria in the tonsils.
  • General malaise. Patients can complain of rapid fatigue, irritability, a feeling of dryness in the throat. They constantly want to moisten the larynx with water.

What does the doctor see?

If you come to see a specialist, helisten and write down all complaints in the card. After that the otorhinolaryngologist will necessarily make an inspection. During the procedure, other symptoms of chronic tonsillitis can be determined.

In adults, the disease is characterized by puffinessand looseness of the tonsils. Despite the stage of remission, the tonsils have a lot of depressions, in which there is a white accumulation of curd-like consistency. When the wells are cleaned, the surface of the mucous membrane remains red and inflamed.

If an adult has chronic tonsillitis,Lymph node enlargement is an optional indicator. However, in most patients, small knobs are identified on the neck and occiput. Increased pharyngeal tonsils can also be probed through the skin under the jaw.

exacerbation of tonsillitis

Symptoms of acute angina

Chronic tonsillitis in adults can worsen at regular intervals. More often it happens in the cold season, when the patient lacks vitamins and immunity decreases.

  • During exacerbation, body temperature rises. Its level reaches 39 degrees.
  • The patient has a severe swelling of the tonsils with a viscous purulent secretion.
  • There is pain in the throat when swallowing, dryness, tickling, coughing.
  • Often the exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis affects the nasopharyngeal tonsils - adenoids. Rhinitis develops.
  • Lymph nodes, which could have been enlarged earlier, at this moment become larger and more painful.
  • General intoxication of the organism is determined against the background of the spread of infection.

Why does the disease develop?

Вы уже знаете, что есть две основные формы tonsillitis Chronic sore throat appears due to improper treatment of an acute illness. Often the cause for the occurrence of pathology becomes uncontrolled use of antibiotics, antipyretics. As you know, during an increase in temperature, the body is fighting against infection, the release of antibodies. Most microorganisms die at the moment when the level of your thermometer reaches the level of 38 degrees.

The cause of chronic tonsillitis can bediseases occurring in the neighboring areas - dental caries, adenoiditis, sinusitis, and so on. The exacerbation of the disease develops due to low immunity, bad habits, unhealthy diet and lack of prevention of the disease.


Surgery: controversial issue

Depending on what has chronictonsillitis symptoms, and treatment should be appropriate. If the bacteria in the tonsils are toxic to the body and greatly reduce the patient's quality of life, then surgical treatment is often suggested.

The procedure takes place under anesthesia.After its implementation, the source of the disease disappears - the affected tonsils. However, doctors are dual to the manipulation. After all, lymphoid tissue is also the protector of the body. After its removal, the infection will flow unhindered into the respiratory tract.

tonsillitis complications

Antibiotics: is it necessary?

Treatment of the disease often involvesantimicrobial use. Doctors can recommend such drugs as Amoxicillin, Flemoxin, Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Azithromycin, Biseptol, Supraks, Ceftriaxone and many others. To choose the right tool for you, you need to conduct research.

A lab technician takes a swab from the pharyngeal area.After that, the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain drugs is studied. Only effective remedies are prescribed. Indeed, to many of the listed compounds, bacteria may have resistance.

Treatment of pharynx antiseptics and antimicrobials

Может иметь тонзиллит осложнения.These are renal pathologies or abnormalities of the heart system. Therefore, it is important to observe all the points described by the doctor. Often, physicians for angina prescribe a pharynx treatment. However, patients carelessly refer to this, considering that antibiotics will be quite enough.

For the treatment of the affected tonsils are prescribedsuch means as "Lugol", "Chlorophyllipt", "Miramistin" and so on. At the same time, lozenges for sucking with an antibacterial effect can be administered, for example, Grammidin.

tonsillitis consequences

Additional remedies for treating sore throat

Has chronic tonsillitis effects in the form ofreduce immunity. Therefore, immunomodulating agents are prescribed for therapy. It may be such drugs as "Anaferon", "Izoprinosin", "Licopid" and so on. They are accepted only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Also for recovery a person needs vitamin complexes. They can be independently purchased at each pharmacy chain.

When it is found on the tonsils, it is removed.There is a manipulation in the hospital. The doctor pushes a purulent secret out of the grooves with a special tool. After that, the glands are carefully treated with an antiseptic.

For the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in the stageexacerbations are used and traditional medicine. These are gargles with chamomile and sage decoction, hot drink, tea with honey and lemon, use of garlic and onions. The purpose of such activities is to cleanse the tonsils and increase immunity. However, folk remedies are not always able to cope with the disease. In most situations, competent conservative therapy is needed, in the absence of which complications and additional illnesses develop.

tonsillitis swollen lymph nodes

A small conclusion: the results

Вы уже знаете, что такое хронический тонзиллит.Symptoms and treatment of the disease are presented to your attention in the article. This pathology is very unpleasant and dangerous. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease do not self-medicate. See a doctor as soon as possible and get expert help. Always remember that the process may be complicated by diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia. All the best to you, bless you!

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