Due to the fact that everything in nature is inclose relationship, a person and micro-organisms also are in constant contact with each other. Some bacteria are even permanent inhabitants of our body, but this does not mean that they are harmful.
Benefits and harm from E. coli
Escherichia coli является палочковидной a bacterium that lives in the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Its use is significant for a person, since it, being an inhabitant of the large intestine, inhibits the development of many harmful microorganisms. In addition, it helps to assimilate vitamins. But the problem is that there are quite a lot of varieties of Escherichia coli, most of which are pathogenic. For example, the detection of escherichia coli in a smear is a sad fact, since the urethra is not the habitat of this microorganism. Escherichia coli in the smear can be detected by passing the tests almost immediately after infection.
In addition to the fact that this type of microorganismis a constant inhabitant of the human intestine, it is found in the body of animals, in particular pigs. Since E. coli is a fairly persistent microorganism, it can be found in feces, meat, and soil. E coli in urine can drain into running water, from where to get on vegetables, fruits and in drinking water. This type of microorganism multiplies well in food, so you should be extremely careful.
What is fraught with infection with the pathogenic species of escherichia coli?
Bowel diseases that result fromE. coli infections are called escherichiosis (diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, colibenteritis, and others). Each type of pathogenic microorganism is characterized by a certain infectious dose. More often
Precautionary measures
When escherichia coli is detected in the smear,immediately start treatment, because this type of infection is treated quite difficult and long and can cause the development of more serious diseases of the genital tract and gastrointestinal tract. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics or bacteriophages, but it is best, of course, to try to prevent infection by pathogenic species of microorganisms. At the same time, first of all you need to observe all the necessary hygiene rules, wash raw vegetables and fruits before consumption, and cook meat and processed products for at least 15 minutes. This, of course, does not guarantee that you will not become infected, but, at least, at times reduces the risk. Also, systematically check with your doctor.