/ / The medicine "Vix Active". Instructions

The medicine "Vix Active". Instructions

The medicine "Vix Active", the price of which beginsfrom 140 rubles, is a member of the mucolytics group. The active substance is acetylcysteine. The drug has secretory and secretory effects. The drug dilutes sputum (even purulent), increases the amount of secretion, facilitating excretion. At oral intake, a high rate of absorption is noted. A maximum of three hours is reached the highest concentration. Excretion occurs in the form of inactive metabolites, a small part - in unchanged form.

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Effervescent tablets "Wiks active" are appointed atpathologies in the organs of the respiratory system and conditions complicated by the formation of viscous purulent mucus. They refer to bronchitis, tracheitis (caused by a viral or bacterial infection), pneumonia. Recommended remedy for patients with cystic fibrosis, bronchiolitis and asthma. The drug is effective for atelectasis due to congestion of the bronchi with a stopper. Medication is prescribed in the post-traumatic and postoperative periods - to eliminate viscous sputum. The medicine "Vix active" recommends the instruction for sinusitis, purulent and catarrhal otitis, sinusitis. Assign medication during an overdose of paracetamol.

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The drug "Vix Active" instruction does not allow foruse in phenylketonuria, ulcerative lesions in the GIT system, during pregnancy. Do not prescribe the drug to patients with hypersensitivity, during lactation. Tablets 600 mg are contraindicated up to 14 years, 200 mg - up to 2 years. On the background of bronchial asthma, treatment is carried out with extreme caution. A dose adjustment may be required for patients with impaired renal, hepatic, adrenal and varicose activity. Changing the regimen is likely in case of predisposition to hemoptysis, arterial hypotension.

Dosing regimen

For patients from the age of 14, the preparation "Vix Active"the instruction recommends 2-3 times a day for 200 mg. The maximum amount of medicine is not more than 600 mg. From 2 to 6 years - 100 mg. The drug is also taken 2-3 times a day. Tablets of 600 mg for patients with 14 years of age are recommended in half twice or 1 unit once a day. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the course of the pathology. With chronic diseases, treatment can last several months.

vix active instruction

Side effects

The "Vix Active" tool (the instruction warnsabout this) can cause in rare cases heartburn, tachycardia, itching and vomiting. Negative consequences should also include the feeling of overcrowding in the stomach, bleeding associated partly with the reaction of hypersensitivity. Some patients may have fever, rhinorrhea, headache. There is stomatitis, drowsiness. On the basis of therapy, bronchospasm may appear, and pressure may decrease. There may also be nasal bleeding. If these and other undesirable effects occur, stop taking the medicine and see a doctor. In the absence of therapeutic effectiveness, an independent change in the dosing regimen is contraindicated.

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