/ / "Desloratadine": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Desloratadine": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Allergic reactions occur in humans only withsupersensitive immune system. As a rule, they are manifested with repeated exposure to the allergen on the body, previously sensitized to them. Such conditions quite often prevent a person from leading a normal life.

desloratadine instructions for use

To help patients with hypersensitivityimmunity, pharmaceutical companies began to produce special anti-allergic drugs, which significantly improve the quality of life and the condition of the patient.

The most popular means aimed atstruggle with allergic manifestations, is a medicine "Desloratadine". Instructions for use, analogs, form of production and indications of this medication will be provided below.

Description, packaging, form of release and composition

Medication "Desloratadin", instructions forthe use of which is placed in a pack of thick cardboard, comes in the form of blue tablets of a round and biconvex shape. They are covered with a film shell and have a white core (in cross section).

The active ingredient in this product isdesloratadine. In addition to it, the tablet contains additional elements in the form of corn starch, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and talc.

As for the film shell, itsmade from a dry mixture consisting of polyvinyl alcohol, titanium dioxide, talc, macragol 3350, aluminum lacquer based on dye and yellow iron oxide.

You can buy the medication in the form of contour packages and cardboard boxes, respectively.

desloratadine tablets instructions for use

Pharmacodynamics of the preparation

What is an antiallergic?remedy like desloratadine (pills)? The instructions for use indicate that this is a blocker of the H1-histamine receptor, which has a long-lasting effect.

This drug is a working metabolite of Loratadine. By its strength of action, it surpasses it by 2-4 times.

The considered drug contributes to the inhibition of a number of allergic inflammation reactions (it releases cytokines, chemokines, interleukins and prostaglandin D2).

Antiallergic tablets "Desloratadine"have anti-edema and antipruritic effects, facilitate the course of allergies, reduce bronchial hyperreactivity and severity of allergen-dependent bronchospasm, and also eliminate the spasms of smooth muscles. The effect of the drug, taken orally, is observed during the day.

It should be noted that this drug is notIt has no effect on the central nervous system, including a dosage of 7.5 mg. It does not have a cardiotoxic effect, an effect on the speed of psychomotor reactions and a sedative effect.

dizloratadine instruction for children

Kinetic features

Where is Desloratadine absorbed? Instructions for use indicates that the absorption of this drug is from the gastrointestinal tract.

The lowest concentration of the drug is detected in the blood after 35 minutes, and the highest after 3 hours.

The active substance of the drug is 87% bound to plasma proteins. A dosage of 20 mg taken within two weeks does not contribute to signs of cumulation.

Eating does not affect the distribution of the drug in the human body.

The considered agent is metabolized intensively. It is displayed together with feces and urine. The half-life of the drug is 20-35 hours.

Indications for use

Under what manifestations of an allergic reaction is it necessary to prescribe the drug Desloratadine Teva? Instructions for use indicates the following indications:

desloratadine teva instructions for use

  • chronic urticaria;
  • Pollinosis;
  • year-round allergic rhinitis.

Contraindications tablets

When it is forbidden to useDesloratadine tablets? Instructions for use (for children, this medication is prescribed only at the age of 12) reports the following contraindications of the drug:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to medication ingredients;
  • time of breastfeeding;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • impaired glucose-galactose absorption.

Medication "Desloratadine": instructions for use

How should I take this remedy? According to the specialists, this drug requires oral administration at the same time.

The use of pills does not depend on the use of food. Antiallergic pill must be swallowed as a whole.

Adolescents over 12 years of age, as well as adults, are prescribed the drug at a dosage of 5 mg once a day.

As for such a synonym as “Desloratadine Teva”, it is used in the same quantity and with the same frequency.

desloratadine instructions for use analogues

The duration of treatment with the considered agent depends on the frequency of manifestations of allergy symptoms and the course of the disease.

As it is known, with intermittent rhinitissymptoms can occur for less than four weeks a year. Therapy of this disease should be terminated only after the disappearance of all its symptoms. It is desirable to resume taking the drug when they reappear.

As for persistent rhinitis, the symptomssuch allergies can occur more often than 4 weeks a year. As a rule, the occurrence of such reactions is associated with constant contact with the allergen. In such cases, treatment should be continued until contact with the allergen is complete.

Adverse Events

What adverse reactions occur while taking desloratadine tablets? Instructions for use, consumer reviews indicate the following side effects:

  • angoneurotic edema, headache, anaphylaxis, hallucinations, shortness of breath, convulsions, pruritus, dizziness, rash, insomnia, urticaria;
  • drowsiness, tachycardia, psychomotor hyperactivity, palpitations;
  • dry mouth, myalgia, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, pharyngitis, vomiting, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia;
  • increased activity of liver enzymes, diarrhea, increased concentration of bilirubin, hepatitis.
    desloratadine instructions for use reviews

Cases of overdose

What will happen with increased doses of the drug?"Desloratadine Teva"? The instruction states that daily consumption of 20 mg tablets for two weeks does not cause any changes on the part of the CAS.

It should also be noted that taking the medication in a dosage of 45 mg for 10 days does not contribute to prolongation of the QT interval and the appearance of any significant side effects.

Similar means and cost

If there are contraindications to taking pills"Desloratadine" they can be replaced by such means as "AlergoMaks", "Erius", "Elysium", "Nalorius", "Lorddestin", "Ezlor", "Desal", "Erridez" The method of use of such drugs may differ from the method of administration of desloratadine. Therefore, they should be prescribed only by an experienced allergist.

You can buy the medication for 200-320 rubles (10 tablets).

Reviews antiallergic agent

Now you know what the Desloratadine medication is for. Instructions for use of this medication was presented above.

This drug belongs to the most modern and popular antihistamines.

desloratadine teva instruction

Patients claim that it is very effective in treating allergic diseases. Taking the pill quickly eliminates nasal congestion.

Also considered medication is often used with a combination of rhinitis with bronchial asthma (atopic).

In people with chronic urticaria, he rather quickly stops all symptoms of the disease.

Another advantage of this medication is that it does not have a sedative effect and a negative effect on the heart.

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