/ / Why there is a constriction of the gallbladder, and what are the methods of its treatment?

Why there is a constriction of the gallbladder, and what are the methods of its treatment?

Bend of the gallbladder (it is also calleda constriction or an inflection) is a change in its shape, which can be either congenital or acquired. Often, the causes that cause constriction of the gallbladder are cholecystitis (chronic or acute) and cholelithiasis.

Let's see why and how there isconstriction of the gallbladder. This organ has a pear-shaped form and is divided into three parts: neck, body and bottom (bottom). The shape at the junction of the body and the bottom is deformed, and the bend can occur in either a larger or a smaller section. Often there is a constriction and neck of the organ. As a rule, the deformation can change the position, in addition, the bend happens at once in several places simultaneously. This type of constriction can lead to the necrosis of the gallbladder wall. But this case in medical practice is rare.

If the constriction of the gallbladder in a childdiagnosed at an early age, often it is eliminated on its own, without any intervention from the medicine. The main thing that is worth remembering the mother: do not give the baby fatty and fried foods, as well as exclude from his nutrition yolk. It is necessary to feed the child about six times a day, fractional, not to give carbonated drinks, chips and other fast food. If the pains bother the baby regularly, you should consult a doctor. You may need medication.

If the constriction is not congenital, but acquired, andshe is diagnosed in adulthood, her treatment requires special attention and an individual approach. Deformation of the bladder occurs as a result of pericholecystitis, and during the formation of stones. Once the inflammatory process begins on the outer wall, the bile of the gall bladder occurs. The reason for this is the formation of adhesions in the outer wall. As a result of the disease, the contractile function of the organ fails, this leads to permanent disturbances in digestion.

Constriction of the gallbladder, the symptoms of which need to be described in more detail, can prevent the outflow of bile. In this case, there are problems with digestion. Symptoms of bending are as follows:

  1. Nausea and possible vomiting. If the constriction of the gallbladder causes a constant feeling of nausea, this can be a threat to the life of the patient.
  2. Abdominal pain that is caused by damagetissues and violations of patency in the intestines. In a child, such pain manifests itself in the form of intestinal colic, which can last about two to three hours. And it repeats such colic sometimes during the week.

If the patient is selected the right medication and appropriate diet, surgery will not be required later.

Sometimes the bend of the human gallbladder does notworried. Painful sensations appear only as a result of sharp turns, bending of the trunk or lifting weights. In rare cases, these actions cause the body to twist around the axis. Bending of the neck can also occur due to its elongation or as a result of the sagging of the bladder.

Also, pain can occur when the internal organs are lowered. This happens because of the regular lifting of weights or in old age.

Remember that constriction of the gallbladder requiresspecial diet. Naturally, you need to eat often and in batches. In the diet should be a large number of cereals, which absorb bile well. In addition, the doctor can prescribe the use of medications aimed at eliminating her stagnation. This is also mandatory.

Do not self-medicate. Each case of the disease is purely individual, just like its treatment, therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

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