/ / Giardia. Symptoms in children and adults

Lamblias. Symptoms in children and adults

Today, this disease is very common,as a lambliasis. The cause of it are parasites (lamblia), which affect the liver and small intestine of a person. Brighter all the disease occurs not in adults, but in children. To be confident in the absence of parasites, it is best to diagnose your own condition several times a year. The fact is that in adulthood the symptoms of lamblia may not appear.


The main source of the disease may become a patienthuman. Among other things, lamblia live in the body of domestic animals. It is possible to infect both in open reservoirs, or even after drinking water from the aqueduct. Despite the fact that spring water has a very low temperature, parasites also live in it.

It happens enough to get inside 10-15 cystslamblia, the symptoms will not keep you waiting. Most often, they become infected through the use of water and food. Perfectly preserved cysts of parasites on vegetables, herbs, in dairy dishes. Lamblias are transmitted and sexually transmitted.

Literally in a few minutes you can easily get infected with parasites. This is facilitated by:

  • unwashed hands before eating;
  • use of unwashed fruits and vegetables;
  • water from the tap;
  • swallowing water while swimming in water;
  • bad habits (taking toys in the mouth or biting the nails).

Giardiasis: symptoms, treatment

The main manifestations of the disease can look like this:

  • a significant decrease in appetite;
  • in some cases, bloating is observed;
  • In the intestines rumbling constantly occurs;
  • the chair is very unstable. Constipation may occur or it may appear liquid;
  • In the abdomen, there are pains (there are even strong ones);
  • body weight decreases;
  • edema appears;
  • pallor;
  • deterioration of sleep;
  • frequent headaches;
  • the appearance of tics.

Depending on the place of parasitism and how lamblia behave, some symptoms may predominate. In connection with this, several forms of the disease are distinguished.

The intestinal variant of the disease is expressed inproblems with stool, abdominal pain, the appearance of nausea, as well as weight loss and, accordingly, lag in development. Hepatobiliary form of the disease due to Giardia symptoms manifests the following character:

  1. cholestasis;
  2. significant problems with biliary tract.

Often this option can be combined with pancreatitis or gastritis.

There is one more, astheno-neurotic formdisease. First of all, there is a headache (sometimes very severe), excessive fatigue and incredible irritability. But the toxic-allergic variant of giardiasis is characterized by the appearance of urticaria and, in rare cases, even with Quincke's edema.

No matter what in the presence of lambliasymptoms are manifested, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, so that he has appointed a course of effective treatment. To destroy all parasites, a long period of time will be required.

In an adult, the number of parasites inThe organism can reach several million. In order to withdraw them, it is necessary to conduct not one, but several courses of antiparasitic therapy with the appropriate drugs. In addition, it is necessary to restore the microflora, which reigns in the intestines. Detoxification is another very important event in the course of treatment.

In many ways, the effectiveness of getting rid of Giardiasis depends on the patient. After all, in the first place, therapy is to observe a strict diet that limits the amount of carbohydrate food in the diet.


The cause of many diseases are Giardia. Symptoms, however, this ailment is not always indicative. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, laboratory tests are always prescribed:

  • examination of the duodenum withbioscopy. It is the most accurate source of information. True, this method is traumatic. In this regard, appoint it only in case of obvious signs of the presence of lamblia.
  • Koprologichesky analysis of feces suggests a study of the presence of cysts.
  • Immune analysis. It is used very rarely, but it allows to show the presence of antigen to lamblia.


The desire to be healthy and not to contract Giardiasisexposes people to adhere to the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle and hygiene. It is necessary to keep your body and home clean. Necessary to comply with the correct drinking regime. But pets should be flayed at least a couple of times a year.

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