The drug "Tsipromed" isan antimicrobial drug belonging to the category of fluoroquinolones. The medication is used topically in ophthalmology, has bactericidal and antimicrobial properties, is characterized by low toxicity. A product in the form of drops for the eyes is produced.
Eye drops "Tsipromed" contain an activecomponent - ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. Additives include sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, lactic acid, sodium hydroxide, edetate disodium.
Therapeutic properties
Eye drops "Tsipromed" produce therapeuticaction due to the ability to slow down the enzymes of bacteria, thereby violating DNA replication and the reproduction of cell proteins of microorganisms. Properties of the drug are distributed to both calm and multiplying microbes. Sensitivity to the drug is enterobacteria, gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, intracellular pathogens.
Eye drops "Tsipromed": instructions for use
The agent is injected into the eye in the conjunctival sac2 drops each. Use the drug is required at a frequency of once every 4 hours, which can vary with complication of the inflammatory process. With acute conjunctivitis, drops are injected up to 8 times a day, the treatment period is up to two weeks. In keratitis, the drug is used at least 6 times a day. The duration of therapy - up to a month, depends on the extent of the lesion. To prevent inflammation, the drug is used one drop up to 6 times a day.
Indications for use of the drug
Eye drops "Tsipromed" are used for therapyinfections and inflammation of the eyes and their appendages. The drug is used for conjunctivitis, anterior uveitis, keratitis, dacryocystitis, blepharitis. In addition, the drug is prescribed for therapy and prevention of complications in eye injuries and after their surgery.
Do not prescribe the drug "Tsipromed" (eye drops) for children under the age of, women during pregnancy, individual rejection, breastfeeding.
Side effects
The use of drops can provokethe following negative reactions: in some situations there is itching, pain, short-term burning, hyperemia of the mucous eye, photophobia, allergic reactions, keratitis, eyelid edema, blurred vision, lacrimation, staining. Immediately after installation, there may be an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.
Specific indication of the drug
Eye drops "Tsipromed" can not be used whensimultaneous wearing of contact lenses (soft). It is inadmissible to use medication for patients who wear hard lenses. Before the installation, the lens needs to be removed and returned no later than a quarter of an hour. When using drops with other ophthalmic agents, a pause of at least five minutes is required. The medicine can temporarily reduce the clearness of vision, and in combination with alcohol slows down the psychomotor reactions.
Cipromed (eye drops): price
The cost of the medicine is 130 rubles.