/ / Causes of thrush

Causes of thrush

Thrush is a typical female disease that has been suffered by every woman for once. Signify about the disease white curdled discharge, from which the disease and got its name.

The causes of thrush are covered in many factors. The main of them are pathogens transmitted in the process of sexual intercourse. But this does not make thrush a venereal disease.

Its medical name is "candidiasis" diseasereceived from the yeast-like fungus Candida, which is due to its development. This fungus is not dangerous, participating along with other "fellow" in the metabolic processes of the body. It is located in the oral cavity, the vagina or on the skin. Under the influence of certain conditions, the fungus becomes aggressive and causes the disease.

The causes of thrush are, first of all,weakened immunity and the presence of chronic infections. In addition, diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse also have a beneficial effect on the development of the disease. Some medications, for example, contraceptives or antibiotics, are another ally of the thrush. A greater risk of getting sick is experienced by pregnant women and people with diabetes.

Scientists have developed several theories explaining the causes of thrush.

Hormonal disorders

Many doctors are sure that the elevated levelhormones (during pregnancy, the intake of hormonal drugs and antibiotics) promotes a moderately acidic vaginal environment to change strongly alkaline, so that fungi actively grow. A high level of sugar in the blood also has a beneficial effect on the creation of an acidic environment.

Weakening of immunity

Antibiotics kill not only bacteria, but also lactic acid sticks, which control the amount of fungi in the vagina.

Presumably, relapse of yeast infections alone lowers the level of body defense, paralyzing the ability to fight the fungus.

The causes of thrush are also covered in allergies.Studies have shown that girls with a tendency to candidiasis are allergic to pollen. A negative reaction to standard treatment was caused by antibodies to spermicides, Candida albicans, other substances.

Therefore, if you are concerned about thrush, and you are also allergic, it is better to seek help from an allergist. But finding Candida does not mean that you are sick with thrush.

Symptom of the disease is a sharp burning sensation in the genital area. Sex organs blush. Their mucous membrane is inflamed and sore. There are abundant cheesy discharge.

Thrush in women, the causes of which are established, is treated with medical drugs. There are various tablets, vaginal suppositories, ointments and creams. In general, use clotrimazole or nystatin.

In addition, you need to stop having sex beforefull recovery. For intimate hygiene, it is best to use special products that contain lactic acid and have an antibacterial effect.

The causes of thrush can be eliminated by adjustingyour diet. For this, it is necessary to refuse sharp dishes and seasonings, bakery products and yeast products. Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits, dairy and groats products.

Different causes of thrush in girls cancause some of its complications. For example, the urethra and bladder can become inflamed. The cervix is ​​also at risk. There is a risk of spreading the infection beyond the vagina, and skin and mucous membranes can be affected. During childbirth, the disease can pass from mother to child.

A good prevention will be the proper care of the body, especially in intimate places, the correct diet, an informed choice of the sexual partner.

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