What is a vagus nerve? The first question, which many people call this phrase, is why is it still wandering?
There are 12 pairs of nerves associated with the human brain, which,in turn, are called cranial nerves. For distinguishing between light, smell and sound, the 1st, 2nd and 8th pairs of nerves respond. For controlling the movements of the eyeball and the pupil is responsible for the 3rd, 4th and 6th pair. For the control of face mimicry answers the 5th and 7th pair, but the 12th pair is responsible for the language. For the stomach, heart and lungs, as well as other internal organs (and so on up to the internal cavity of the mouth), the 9th, 10th and 11th pairs of nerves are responsible. The tenth pair of nerves is called the "vagus nerve," it is connected, like all other pairs of nerves, to the entire cranial-cerebral parasympathetic system, and has an effect on almost all parasympathetic nerve fibers. In addition, passing on them signals, it excites almost every internal organ of a person. Its name came from the Latin word "vagus" - wandering, because it seems to wander all over the human body. Its branches are located in the head, cervical, thoracic and abdominal parts of the human body.
The wandering nerve affects many reflexhuman actions such as swallowing, coughing, vomiting, filling and emptying the stomach. He also regulated many processes: palpitation and breathing. The wandering nerve in the human body forms the solar plexus. In its functions this nerve is called mixed, since it includes both motor fibers, and sensitive fibers and vegetative ones.
The wandering nerve can be prone to the following diseases:
Migraine is a paroxysmal headache, which has an independent nosological form.
Ménière's disease is the defeat of the segmental apparatus of the brain and the peripheral parts of the human nervous system of the human being, manifested by attacks of dizziness and simultaneous decrease in hearing.
Raynaud's disease is the defeat of the segmentalapparatus of the brain and peripheral parts of the nervous system of the human being, signs of this disease are blanching or cyanosis of the fingers, also facial parts during cooling, emotional and other irritations, symmetry of lesions.
How to maintain a healthy vagus nerve?Treating his pathologies is difficult, remember this. Diseases in this area are difficult to treat and seriously complicate life. You need to go to the doctor in time for any signs and unpleasant symptoms that alarm you, fulfill your appointments and just be less nervous.
In severe cases, often appointedelectrostimulation, sometimes even surgical methods are used. The previously used method of "alcoholization" (the introduction of ethyl alcohol in the form of injections) is less common. Unfortunately, treatment with folk remedies is ineffective or yields a minor result. So do not get carried away by it - you can lose precious time, which you can spend on a full examination and treatment. Modern methods of diagnosis with high accuracy can identify the disease and help in the appointment of effective procedures. Do not neglect the advice of a doctor - the diseases of the vagus nerve are dangerous for their complications, sometimes very serious.
Now, knowing a little more about the vagus nerve, you can always cherish his "health"!