Colds visit us, as a rule, in the off-season.The peak of diseases associated with an infection of the respiratory tract is at this time. Most importantly, with the first symptoms, consult a doctor. But the majority of people who are not serious about their health and are accustomed to sick at work, independently decide what to take for a cold, and disregard the recommendations of specialists.
Angina, especially its purulent form, does not toleratesimilar attitude. If it is started, serious complications are possible that will affect other internal organs. Hearing canals, kidneys, heart, liver can be affected. The disease occurs due to severe supercooling and exposure to microorganisms, which include viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Before asking the question "which antibioticsdrink with angina ", determine its main symptoms: purulent form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of high temperature, in the throat, furuncles are formed, the patient is suffering from chills, in which case warming is counter-indicative.
Народная медицина рекомендует лечение при ангине combine with the reception of honey. This sweet treat has a lot of useful properties. It has an antiseptic effect and heals pustules. Honey in combination with butter does not overdry the throat, gently envelops it, softens the pain. Rinsing with a decoction of chamomile removes inflammation. For the same purpose, "marigolds" are suitable. The oak bark helps to reduce the pain in the throat. But, even when using such popular recipes to fight a dangerous disease, you should always consult a doctor.
Folk methods do not help completely recover,therefore it is necessary to understand what antibiotics to drink in angina, to finally give up the disease. There is a myth that these drugs harm the human body more than they do good. It is true that drugs cause depression of the immune system, but at the same time they have the most effective effect and contribute to the rapid recovery of the patient. Therefore, doctors, determining which antibiotics to drink with angina, necessarily appoint them for admission along with the drug "Diazolin", probiotics or vitamins, which protect the body from the effects of strong substances. In the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, specialists choose drugs related to the penicillin group. These include tools such as Biseptol and Bioparox. But self-medication is contraindicated. Always before the start of taking medication you need to undergo a test for an allergic reaction.
The disease can not be carried "on its feet",always consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and say which antibiotics to drink with angina to effectively cope with the disease. Previously, a number of laboratory tests are required to determine the nature of the disease, and only after that the specialist can prescribe a prescription for a more effective drug.