/ / Laser vision correction in Minsk: a review of clinics and reviews about them

Laser vision correction in Minsk: a review of clinics and reviews about them

About 60% of the world's population suffer from disruption.view. Today, many problems of myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism can be cured with the help of laser correction. Ophthalmologic clinics of Minsk have carried out such operations since 1998. It can be done in a number of clinics in the capital of Belarus. Laser vision correction in Minsk is a quick, low-hilarious and effective recovery of refraction.

Laser vision correction in Minsk

Vision correction with the help of laser correction can be performed in the following clinics of the city.

Ophthalmological clinic "Optimed"

This clinic is located at the address: Minsk, ul. Filimonova, 53. Telephone for information: +0375 29 549-51-79. The center works without days off.

From the history of the clinic

Optimed in Minsk is an ophthalmologicclinic of a wide profile. She stood at the origins of laser microsurgery of the eye in Minsk. Ophthalmologic surgery with a laser here is carried out since 1998. Today, the Optimed Center is a multi-purpose specialized center that provides cataract treatment services using a modern, seamless method, performing lens replacement operations, surgical treatment of retinal detachment, glaucoma treatment and strabismus.

laser vision correction in Minsk

Here you can also undergo an in-depth ophthalmologic examination with modern equipment.

You can make an appointment on the clinic's website, by phone and even by Skype.

About the procedure

The clinic provides services for laservision correction on modern equipment using the methods of Super-Lasik, Lasik and Trans PRK, which allows choosing the most appropriate treatment option for each patient, taking into account the course of the disease and general health.

Especially it is necessary to note that operations are performed by the highest category of ophthalmic surgeons. The clinic also has a pediatric ophthalmosurgeon.

Before the operation, an ophthalmologic examination is carried out, and after the procedure free medical support is provided for three months.

Laser vision correction in Minsk

About the price

The prices here are at the average level in Minsk (from 22,150 to 28,900 rubles). However, you can pay with bank cards, get interest-free installments, and be treated on credit.

Patient Reviews

Center "Optimed" in Minsk receives good reviews of patients. The clients who have already undergone treatment here note the professionalism of the doctors, the well-coordinated teamwork of the entire clinic staff.

Another important point is called attentive, not indifferent attitude to patients. In this case, both to those who are undergoing treatment, and to those who came only for a consultation.

Patient testimonials claim that laser vision correction is performed at a high level in Minsk, and the cost of the procedure justifies the results.

Medical Center "New Vision"

The center is located at the address: Minsk, ul. Klumova, 5A. To clarify the necessary information, please call: +375 17 214-98-17. The clinic works without days off.

center of laser vision correction in Minsk

About the center

Этот современный Центр лазерной коррекции зрения in Minsk provides ophthalmological services in a wide range. Highly qualified specialists work here, not only medical activity, but also research is carried out. In Belarus, the center has branches in Grodno, Mogilev and Vitebsk.

Works in three main areas: vision testing, laser correction and cataract treatment.

Features of the procedure

Center in 2016 offers its customersThe latest technology in the field of laser correction - iQ-Lasik. This is the so-called cold technology, which allows one to calculate individually the load of the laser beam on the structures of the eye. The result of its use is minimal injury to the eye structures.

Here, the traditional procedures Super Lasik and iLasik are also carried out (it differs in that it involves an individual approach to the treatment of each client).

Center for laser vision correction in Minsk

Component prices for treatment

В Центре «Новое зрение» коррекция зрения с using a laser microkeratome will be one of the most expensive (from 24,600 to 47,600 rubles). Since the Center promotes new technologies, and its equipment is one of the most modern in this area, the prices here are among the highest in Minsk. At the same time there is a system of installments and discounts, but they should be asked in advance. Often they apply to certain types of services, and not to the whole complex.

What patients say about the "New Vision"

Many patients who underwent laser correction here, note the high professionalism of doctors and medical staff. Together with modern equipment it guarantees high-quality procedure.

However, there are frequent complaints about the work of registrars at weekends. Anyone who wants to make an appointment is better to do it on work days and during work hours.

Another uncomfortable point about patient reviews is called ignorance about the system of discounts or about the timing of their actions. Some patients note the high cost of services.

Professorial Medical Advisory Center

In Minsk, this center is located at three addresses:

  • st. Makaenka, 17 (here the office of the registry number 105);
  • st. Sukharevsky, 19;
  • Prospect Forest, 31.

You can get the necessary help by phone: +375 17 265-06-25. Branch offices are open all days except Sunday.

About the history of the center

The center is created as a structural unit.The Belarusian Academy of Postgraduate Education in 2005. It is multidisciplinary, provides counseling services in 35 areas and provides multidisciplinary treatment. The center employs about 170 highly qualified BelMAPO specialists (including professors, associate professors, assistants).

Make an appointment - on the website of the center, as well as by phone.

How is the treatment?

Laser vision correction in Minsk, inProfessorial Center, conducted by the department of laser eye surgery on the basis of the 10th GKB. Here, vision restoration is carried out according to the methods of "Lasik", "Super-Lasik" and "Trans PRK". Consultations and operations are carried out by doctors of the highest medical category (professors and associate professors). Preliminary consultation and examination are required.

Clinic of view in Minsk

About prices for treatment

Профессорский Центр придерживается принципа highly professional advice at a reasonable price. Prices for the services of ophthalmic surgeons are acceptable, and in some cases lower than the average (from 22 970 rubles).

However, this does not include preliminary consultations, the prices of which will depend on the level of professionalism of the consultant (from 2,920 to 4,600 rubles).

What do patients write

Patient reviews point out a high level of professionalism in counseling and treatment, attention and understanding of all staff.

Many patients and their relatives note the availabilityand clarity of consultation, as well as a good result of surgical treatment. Held at the Professorial Center, this sparing eye surgery will be one of the most inexpensive.

This clinic of sight in Minsk is notable for its attentive attitude to patients.

Where else in Minsk can you correct vision with the help of laser correction?

Laser vision correction in Minsk today is notis a problem. When performing ophthalmic surgeries using a laser microkeratome, most clinics use standard and well-proven LASIK (standard), Super-LASIK (based on individual ray force calculation) and Trans PRK (well-studied, but more traumatic) techniques. in comparison with "Lasik" procedure). Here, the cost and duration of the rehabilitation period will depend on the type of correction, the patient's age, the condition of the eye structures and the general state of health.

Clinic of view in Minsk

According to standard methods work:

  • 1st Minsk Clinical Hospital (Korzhenevsky str., 4).
  • Hospital them. E. V. Klumova - 3rd City Clinical Hospital (Lenin Street, 30).
  • Medical center MTH (10 A, Stakhanovskaya St.).
  • Medical Center "Nordin" (st. Surganova, 47B).

In these clinics in Minsk, vision correction withusing a laser will differ by a slight fluctuation in the price of services (within the range of 24 600-26 100 rubles), which are kept at the average level. The level of operations is high and meets all requirements.

What is the essence of vision correction with a laser?

The newest vision correction technology usinglaser allows you to correct problems associated with refraction. The result of such operations will be almost 100% recovery of vision. After such a low-impact surgical treatment, there is no need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Суть операции - в исправлении кривизны роговицы.Using a laser microkeratome, a bloodless operation to correct the visual pathway is performed: a small upper flap of the cornea is removed and its inner balls are corrected. Then the flap is placed in place, since the duration of the operation is very small, the suturing is not required. Intervention in the structure of the eye is minimal, the operation is low-impact. However, it does not cure the disease itself, only corrects existing violations (eliminates myopia or hypermetry, astigmatism).

Center for laser vision correction in Minsk

Operations are usually carried out on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, taking from 15 minutes to half an hour. The recovery period is short - from several hours to 2-3 weeks.

Indications for them will be a violation of refraction: myopia, hypermetry, astigmatism.

Contraindications to the procedure of correction

Among the contraindications will be glaucoma andcataract, age-related changes in vision, age younger than 18 or older than 55 years, retinal detachment, inflammatory diseases of the eye structures, as well as impaired work and diseases of the endocrine system, severe forms of hypertension, impaired blood clotting, all diseases in acute form. This procedure is not shown to pregnant women and nursing moms.

After the operation, you should avoid large or noticeable physical exertion, as well as to refuse to engage in sports. Doctors do not advise rubbing eyes.

Complications after laser vision correction are unlikely. Among the most common pathologies are dry eyes, incomplete restoration of vision, flap falling away (very rarely).


Today, one of the most modern methodsCorrection of refraction is a laser vision correction. In Minsk, reviews "Optimed" and other ophthalmological clinics are characterized as modern and qualified centers with reasonable prices.

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