Since July 2015, when Moscow first appearedThe Institute of Dietetics named after Freiman at Novoslobodskaya, it receives very different reviews. This institution is positioning itself as a medical nutritional center specializing in healthy lifestyles, overweight patients, helping them to master the knowledge necessary for losing weight, cleansing the body and its recovery.
Private medical center much attentiondevotes information to potential clients, inviting them to use the free advice of a nutritionist. For this, the future visitor needs to drive up to the Fryman Institute of Dietetics on Novoslobodskaya. Reviews say that during the call, the girl, in a pleasant voice, reports on the program of recovery for Russians, adopted by the so-called Russia Foundation. By the way, neither in the project “Healthy Russia”, organized by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, nor in other domestic funds, this program is mentioned on official sites.
Solve the problem of excess weight, according toSpecialists of the center help a specially developed, individual scheme of an effective fight with excess kilograms. It includes: a personalized diet menu, adhering to which the client will receive all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, but will not feel hunger. At the same time, the person will lose weight.
В программе коррекции веса, которую составляют the staff of the Medical Dietetic Center, as the Institute of Dietetics and Body Correction named after A. Freiman calls itself today, reviews point to the presence of special exercises that help you lose weight more quickly. Individual exercise chosen by a professional trainer affects problem areas of the body, contributing to fat burning and body shape improvement. They help to achieve quick results, but subject to their regular implementation.
Most potential clients of MedDiettsentralready at the first free consultation they feel psychological discomfort when they are asked to measure body parameters and identify problem areas. Measurements of volumes and bioimpedancemetry (determination of the amount of fat and active cell mass, metabolic rate indicators, the ratio of intracellular and extracellular fluids in the body) allow us to draw conclusions about the quality of tissue hydration, as well as water-salt and lipid metabolism.
Maintain motivation during many monthsLosing weight is not an easy process. Anyone who has had to face dietary restrictions and increased physical activity at least once needs qualities such as a positive attitude and the will to win. Psychotherapists help to cope with irritability and other discomfort if a person contacts the Freiman Institute of Dietetics on Novoslobodskaya. Reviews of real visitors report that training on the psycho-correction of a figure to one customers inspires optimism and confidence in the victory over extra pounds, to others - mutual support in the group and increased self-esteem. However, many visitors to the Center for psychotherapeutic assistance in losing weight are not considered important, so they often try to save on motivation.
В перечне услуг, предоставляемых Медицинским Dietary Center, indicated health and medical program as one of the components of an integrated approach to losing weight, cleansing and healing the body. In other words, the Institute of Dietetics at Novoslobodskaya, reviews of which can be read different: from laudatory to sharply negative, offers the client to stock up with a whole set of dietary supplements of the Novicute company. Find this brand on the Internet is impossible. But upon closer examination of these packages, it can be noted that the Russian company “Evalar” produces these food additives, the similar dietary supplements of which can be purchased at a pharmacy with a price not higher than 300-500 rubles. At the same time, Institute employees offer them at a fabulous cost. In comments, people are often outraged that when they signed a contract and a loan agreement, they were in a psychologically uncomfortable state. This was the reason for their consent to buy a whole set of dietary supplements, the effectiveness of which they strongly doubt. Many of these buyers today turn to lawyers to terminate a bank loan agreement and a contract with the Institute of Dietetics.
Potential customers Medical staffThe Nutritional Center tells about the program “Five steps to an ideal figure”, which, in addition to a balanced diet, physical training, psycho-correction of eating behavior and dietary supplements, includes apparatus cosmetology and physiotherapy. The Freiman Institute of Dietetics (at Novoslobodskaya) gets low-profile or disappointed reviews also because the cost of dealing with problem areas with the help of hardware, cosmetic and massage techniques in an institution is much higher than the average city. At the same time, their effectiveness differs little from procedures in other salons and centers.
Summarizing most of the opinions and commentsexpressed by real people, it can be noted that the private Medical Dietetic Center, as the former Freiman Institute calls itself today, is intended as a purely commercial project.