/ / Analog "Terzhinana", and its distribution in gynecological practice

Analog "Terzhinana", and its distribution in gynecological practice

The drug "Terzhinan" is one of the mosteffective. It is often used by women who have inflammatory processes of the genital tract. The advantage of the drug is its wide spectrum of action, since it simultaneously affects several groups of pathogens. In the absence of a drug or if you want to buy a cheaper drug, doctors advise using the analog "Terzhinana", which should have the same effect on the pathogenic microorganisms of the female genital organs.

Structure of the preparation

analogue of terzhinan
The main components of "Terzhinan" are 4component, each of which affects certain types of pathogens. Ternidazole is most active against trichomonads and anaerobic bacteria, neomycin sulfate is an antibacterial agent with a broad spectrum of action. Since the diseases of the genital tract are often caused by a conditionally pathogenic flora, part of the drug is nystatin, which has a pronounced antifungal effect (used in candidiasis). Anti-inflammatory effect has prednisolone - a steroid drug with pronounced effect. Analog "Terzhinana" must meet all of the specified criteria.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the medicinal productare infectious inflammatory processes of the vagina and cervix. These include vaginitis and colpitis of various etiologies (caused by bacteria, opportunistic microorganisms and fungi). In addition, it is used to prevent these diseases during pregnancy, before childbirth, gynecological procedures and operations. How to take Terzhinan? Instruction for use states that the drug is used vaginally one tablet at bedtime; The capsule must first be lowered into water for a few seconds.

Requirements for analogues "Terzhinana"

If the inflammatory process is in the active phase, then the treatment should begin immediately. Analog "Terzhinana" apply when the drug is not in the pharmacy or when there is no opportunity to buy it.

terzhinan instructions for use
Substitutes are other drugsanti-inflammatory drugs that have not only an antibacterial effect, but also affect fungi and trichomonads. These drugs include "Polizinaks", "Betadin", etc.

Analog of terzhinan - preparation "Polizinaks"

The agent "Polizinaks" is an absolutea substitute for the drug "Terzhinan", because it has a similar spectrum of active substances and has the same effect in diseases of the genital organs. The difference is in the form and size of the vaginal tablet and the price of the drug. the main reason why many women prefer to use the drug "Polizhinaks" - the price of a candle is more affordable. In addition, after the course of treatment, patients remain satisfied with the effect and, when relapses, use the drug repeatedly.

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When choosing a medicine, it is necessaryconsult with a gynecologist who can advise a quality substitute for Terzhinan, which has a high efficiency and affordable price. In the treatment it is necessary to study the instructions for use, and also to refrain from sexual intimacy until full recovery.

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