/ / Candles of Betadin

Candles Betadin

Candles Betadin belong to the group of antiseptic disinfectants. The composition of vaginal suppositories includes povidone-iodine and macrogol 1000.

In a cardboard bundle of medicinal products, suppositories Betadin 7 or 14 suppositories in a blister. The preparation has a dark brown color.

Bacteria iodamines are formed by iodine with proteinscells during the release from the complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone, which occurs when in contact with mucous membranes and skin. Thus, due to coagulation, microorganisms die. Candles Betadin have a bactericidal action against Gram-negative (except for Koch's rods) and Gram-positive bacteria.

The action of the drug develops in the firstfifteen to thirty seconds, with most microorganisms dying in less than a minute. The process is accompanied by discoloration of iodine, which is an indicator of the effectiveness of the drug.

Suppositories, due to their water-soluble basis, do not have an irritant effect.

Candles Betadin is used for vaginitis (acute andchronic course, with nonspecific and mixed infections), with candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, genital herpes, trichomoniasis. The medication is also prescribed before surgical interventions as prevention of infectious complications.

Before using suppositories,to conduct hygienic procedures. Candles Betadin are injected into the vagina (deep) up to two times a day for one piece. After use, wash hands thoroughly.

With vaginitis acute course duration of the course - seven days. In subacute and chronic form of the disease, therapy is prolonged to two weeks. If necessary, treatment can be extended.

The use of medication can cause flushing, itching. With such allergic manifestations, it is required to replace the Betadine suppository (analogue - Yodoxide or Enterodez) with another drug.

Contraindicated in hyperthyroidism,adenoma of the thyroid gland, herpetiform dermatitis of Dühring, during lactation. The drug is not prescribed in cases of radioactive iodine, in children (up to the age of eight), and also in cases of hypersensitivity to iodine and other components.

During pregnancy, the drug is contraindicated from the third month of the term. The question of the appointment of the drug during lactation and pregnancy can be resolved only by the attending physician.

Infants and newborns need to exercise control over thyroid function if their mothers use Betadine.

Coloring on tissues and skin after applying suppositories can be easily washed off with water. To avoid staining, it is recommended to use sanitary napkins.

In cases of thyroid dysfunction, the use of a medicament is allowed only under medical supervision.

Permission is granted to use the drug in girls of eight years of age or older. In this case, care must be taken when introducing the suppository into the vagina of virgins.

Data on drug overdose in medical practice are not fixed.

The drug is not compatible with other antiseptic and disinfectants, especially those containing mercury, enzymes and alkalis.

To store the medicine, you should choose a dry, inaccessible to children, protected from moisture place with a temperature of five to fifteen degrees.

The drug is suitable for five years.

It should be noted that, contrary to the opinion of many,Betadine has no contraceptive effect. This drug has only antiseptic and disinfectant properties associated with iodine, which is part of the group of halogen antiseptics.

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