/ / Why is saline used?

What is the physiological solution used for?

Many who went to the hospital, or visitedrelatives in the hospital, faced with the need to acquire a physiological solution for the introduction of it through a dropper intravenously (it is prescribed in very many cases). And with intramuscular injections, some drugs also require saline (usually in ampoules) to dilute the active substance of the main drug before it is injected.

So, what is this transparent liquid in 200 ml pharmacy bottles or ampoules called saline and why is it called this?

Most often, when it comes to saline, thenit is assumed the simplest 0.9 percent aqueous saline solution of sodium chloride (NaCl), that is, a weak solution of all known common salt, since this solution is isotonic with human blood plasma. If to say simplistically, the solution is called physiological because it is an environment that can be used to maintain the normal (physiological) activity of living cells. This name is very conditional, since the simplest physiological solution does not contain many other components. However, depending on the field of application (in biology, medicine, veterinary medicine), many other, more complex, compounds are meant by physiological solutions.

We are used to the physiological saline solutionused to detoxify the body in a hospital environment, and in extremely difficult cases, its introduction is shown even as a substitute for blood. And did you know that the physiological solution is successfully used in inhalations, and is it also indicated for nose flushing, when the runny nose and cough overcome? And indeed, procedures with saline solution cleanse the respiratory tract well, promote the excretion of mucus, wash pathogenic microorganisms.

Breathe over the steam, as we used to, bending overpot with boiled potatoes and covered with a towel, do not have to. It is best to buy an inhaler or nebulizer and use a physiological solution for inhalation, prepared on the basis of an antibacterial or antimicrobial drug, which you will appoint a doctor. Initial drug is diluted with saline in the ratios specified in the instructions to this drug, and breathe.

If you or your child have a runny nose,you can take a pure physiological solution, and if the cough has already joined, then often the same saline is prescribed together with "Lazolvan". For inhalations with the drug, saline is taken in a ratio of 1: 1 (say, 2 milliliters of both substances) and placed in a nebulizer (it is especially useful for children, because it has a mask, and the whole procedure is usually without whims).

The physiological solution for inhalations is also mixed with essential oils (such as eucalyptus), calanchoe juice. Then the usual steam inhaler will do.

To wash the nose can be preparedsaline and independently - take a teaspoon of table salt (only not dirty, purified) and dissolve in a liter of boiled water. Next, take a syringe of 10-20 ml (of course, without a needle), dial the saline (it should be slightly warm or at room temperature) and, bending your head parallel to the floor, turn it sideways so that when you pour liquid into one nostril, it pours through another . If this does not work, then you can use a baby rubber pear and inject saline from it, then carefully blow your nose. However, be careful when washing the nose, especially in young children - try to do everything carefully, so that the fluid does not accidentally enter the auditory tubes.

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