Many of usproblem, when the eye blushed, and the problem is not only and not so much of a cosmetic nature. How much redness is expressed does not indicate the severity of the disease. The most terrible symptoms still are pain in the eye, as well as a noticeable visual impairment.
The most common causes of redness of the eyes:
ü Blepharitis is an inflammation of the bacterial origin of ciliary follicles. In general, it is accompanied by the formation of crusts on the eyelids and severe itching;
ü Conjunctivitis, or "pink eye" - bacterial, allergic or viral inflammation of the membrane covering the anterior part of the eye and eyelids;
ü Corneal ulcer. Most often it is bacterial in nature;
ü Uveitis - inflammation of the vascular ocular membrane. May accompany toxic lesions, autoimmune diseases, infections.
Other causes of redness of the eye - inappropriateuse of contact lenses with a violation of the main recommendations of the ophthalmologist, an attack of glaucoma, an overdose of medications that reduce blood coagulability.
Depending on the cause of the redness of the eyes, the following ways of eliminating this problem are shown:
- With fatigue and tension, it's enough just to have a good rest and sleep;
- with conjunctivitis, rinse eyes with infusionchamomile (several times during the day). You can also use special pharmacy eye drops. Until full recovery, it is better not to wear contact lenses and do not use eye makeup. Always remember the cleanliness of the hands, especially when you need to touch the eye;
- with blepharitis, warm compresses with calendula or chamomile are shown twice a day for five minutes. Before and after sleep, it is necessary to clean the edges of the eyelids with a clean cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water;
- with the syndrome of "dry eye", accompanied byredness and caused by the wearing of contact lenses or a long work at the computer can use drops in the eyes from redness and dryness, imitating a natural tear.
However, with an unidentified diseaseit is better not to be engaged in self-medication, especially if, together with redness, there is an obvious visual impairment, eye and headache, vomiting, nausea. Urgent medical care is required in the event that the reddening of the eye was triggered by trauma or exposure to foreign bodies. In the case of drugs that reduce blood coagulability, and changes in light perception, along with redness of the eyes, you also need to see the oculist as quickly as possible.
Knowing the causes of redness of the eye, you can and should try to prevent, as far as possible, such consequences:
Eyes that are properly taken care of, of whichcare and who cherish, will always be beautiful and shining. Only healthy eyes can let us enjoy all the colors of this wonderful world.