The most common proctology vascular disease is, of course, hemorrhoids. What is this, and how is the operation to remove hemorrhoids - we learn in our article.
The essence of this vascular disease is thatCavernous (cavernous) bodies expand in the rectum. There is a fall out of the anus of the so-called hemorrhoids. Unfortunately, many people do not attach any importance to the symptoms of this disease. As a result, complications occur.
Before talking about what methods are used to remove hemorrhoids, let's find out the signs of his appearance:
Note, if any of the abovehappens exactly with you, immediately consult a specialist! Timely diagnosis of this disease will solve this problem without prompt intervention.
This happens with the help of two traditional surgical methods:
Стоит отметить, что операция по удалению геморроя by the second method preserves hemorrhoidal nodes. This allows them to pull up, which leads to a violation of blood supply. After a while, the nodes begin to be replaced by a connective tissue and, in fact, to decrease in size.
It should be noted that such treatment can not be attributedto conservative methods of fighting this vascular disease. Moreover, laser coagulation is a worthy alternative to traditional surgical intervention.
Basically, this method is used at firststages of the disease. This method of removing hemorrhoids can rightly be called reliable and effective. The point is that laser coagulation is a scalpel of the 21st century. It has both a cutting and cauterizing property! As in Longo's method, carried out by traditional surgical means, a connective tissue will soon appear in place of the removed internal node.
Note that this operation is the most painless in modern proctology.
In conclusion, I would like to note that the cost of surgery to remove hemorrhoids with a laser is considerable. The price of traditional surgical intervention starts from 20 thousand rubles.
After the operation, it is necessary to strictly observe all preventive measures consisting of proper nutrition with optimization of the function of emptying the intestines, as well as increasing motor activity.