One of the most common diseases in theof women is thrush (candidiasis). The causative agents of this disease are Candida mushrooms. They are on mucous in any healthy person and do not cause any unpleasant sensations. But under certain conditions, fungi multiply very quickly, which leads to thrush. When treating a disease, it is very important to recognize it in time and seek help from a doctor. Otherwise, neglected disease can go to the rank of chronic. In this case, many medications for thrush may be ineffective.
The listed symptoms can be manifested astogether, and one by one. Noticing at least one of them, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary tests and prescribe appropriate medications for thrush.
Causes of Candidiasis
How is it treated?
Medicines for thrush are available in largequantities on the shelves of pharmacies. They are available in the form of tablets, vaginal creams, suppositories, capsules and so on. The choice of the drug depends both on the severity of the disease, and on your preferences of dosage forms. Optimal choice will help to make the attending physician. Depending on the course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe one drug or complex. It is believed that the most effective medicine for thrush for men is a cream. It must be applied to the head of the penis within a week. A faster way is with pills. Modern medications for thrush operate quickly and efficiently. The most common drugs are containing fluconazole. They are suitable not only for men, but for women.
In the case of mild disease, it is possiblea one-time intake of the drug in an amount of 150 mg. It can be tablets "Diflucan", "Flukostat", "Mycosyst", "Medoflukon", "Diflazon" and so on. With repeated appearance of thrush, medication should be repeated 3-4 weeks later.
Medicines for thrush in women are fromnot only tablets and creams, but also vaginal suppositories, suppositories, capsules. As a rule, the patient is prescribed complex treatment. Along with the intake of the above tablets, topical preparations are prescribed. The latter act directly on the focus of inflammation and promote a speedy recovery. With proper treatment, the likelihood of recurrence is extremely low.
To modern and highly effective drugs include:
Any medication should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication leads to a worsening of the patient's condition. Wrong choice of medicines, as a rule, provokes the emergence of chronic thrush.