We all know that by analyzing urine, you canidentify the symptoms of certain diseases. With urine, metabolic products, toxic substances, excess salts and water are excreted from the body. In a healthy person, urine is light yellow, transparent, has no pronounced odor, foams urine weakly. The composition and amount of urine depends on many factors: gender, age, weight, environment, and most importantly - health status. If you suddenly find that the urine foams, then this may be a symptom of proteinuria. Proteinuria is a fairly frequent urological symptom, in which the protein content in the urine rises. This can occur with nephrosis, glomerulonephritis, stenosis, nephrosclerosis and amyloidosis of the kidneys. Another of the types of proteinuria is transient proteinuria, which appears in diseases of the digestive system, burns, injuries, anemia. In children and adolescents with rapid growth can develop orthostatic proteinuria, newborns in the first weeks of life can suffer from physiological proteinuria.
Если человек здоров, то его белки фильтруются и в urine get in a small amount. The urine is heavily foamed due to heart disease or kidney damage. It occurs more often in people who are sick with diabetes, or those who suffer from increased blood pressure. If urine dries heavily, this is an alarming symptom of kidney damage, in which case it is necessary to contact a specialist who can accurately identify the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment. Foam in the urine can appear in a healthy person who is engaged in increased physical exertion, such a symptom has a one-time character. So athletes do not rush to sound the alarm, when the foam appears in the urine, most likely the next time everything stabilizes. Such proteinuria is called marching or athletic. Effective in the treatment of proteinuria, glucocorticoid therapy, sometimes for treatment requires hospitalization of the patient.
If you find that the foam is foaming, then you needconduct a diagnosis of how much protein is contained in the urine. The method of determining the protein in the urine is not particularly difficult, it can be performed in the laboratory of any medical institution. Since the protein in the urine can rise under the influence of various factors, the diagnosis is established only after the repeated determination of the protein in the urinalysis, which is carried out for two or even more weeks after receiving the first urine test.
У женщин белок в моче иногда может наблюдаться в period of pregnancy. Those who during pregnancy came to the reception to the gynecologist know that the direction for the analysis of urine is given often, almost to every arrival to the gynecologist. Most women complain that they often have to take tests, but it is important to know that this is one of the main indicators of the health of mom and baby. The appearance of protein in the urine can be a signal of trouble in the urinary system. During pregnancy there is a strong stress on the urinary system, the normal outflow of urine is disrupted due to the increased uterus, which can lead to an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, which is manifested by proteinuria. Therefore, it is so important to conduct systematic examinations to identify and timely treat proteinuria. If the protein is present in the urine, then it can also be a sign that the development of nephropathy is taking place. Nephropathy of pregnant women is a form of late toxicosis, which is associated with the defeat of renal capillaries. When nephropathy is often observed edema, foam in the urine, increased pressure, proteinuria. This disease can lead to serious consequences, so it is so important to notice the alarm signals in time and prevent the development of the disease.