Urticaria in adults - a disease of an allergic nature, in which skin and mucous membranes appear rashes and blisters.
Causes of the disease
Urticaria in adults appears when exposedexternal (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) factors. External provoking factors of the disease can be exposure to sunlight, chemicals, medicines, mechanical effects. Internal causative factors can be diseases of internal organs and the nervous system. Hives in adults, regardless of the cause, has many common links in pathogenesis. After the effect of the etiologic factor, active substances such as histamine are released and accumulated in the tissues. They cause an increase in the permeability of the walls of the vessels, the swelling of the tissues and the appearance of blisters.
Allergic reaction of the body can startforeign proteins, protein products. Incompletely split protein, getting into the blood, causes the formation of antibodies to this product. The same thing happens when you get toxins from the outside or are formed from any diseases. Known allergies to pathogenic microorganisms. Urticaria in adults can develop with diseases of the nervous system (cholinergic urticaria), as a result of increased release of acetylcholine with an irritant effect on the parasympathetic nervous system.
Manifestations of urticaria
After exposure to a causative factor on the skin ormucous appear dense, pink blisters of different sizes and shapes. Their size is from a few millimeters to several centimeters. With timely treatment, blisters quickly and completely disappear.
Several types of hives are known:
acute urticaria.It is characterized by a sharp sudden onset, severe itching and skin rashes. Not so often you can see the appearance of blisters on the mucous membranes. Vesicles are of different sizes, they can merge. This type of allergy is typical for reactions to medications or products.
- acute limited edema of Quincke, appearsunexpectedly in the form of a limited edema of the tissues, face (hives on the face). Complaints made by the patient are insignificant, only sometimes, when the neck and larynx are involved in the process, there may be a feeling of lack of air.
- chronic urticaria appears on the backgroundprolonged sensitization of the body with chronic infection, diathesis, gastrointestinal tract disease. Repeated appearing of blisters are noted in different parts of the skin, exacerbations alternate with calm. Along with the appearance of rashes, general malaise, dyspepsia, severe itching, insomnia and irritability are possible.
- solar (pigmentary) urticaria, isone of the types of photodermatosis. It is characteristic of people with liver diseases, a violation of the exchange of porphyrins. This type of disease is manifested by rashes located on open areas of the body. It is characterized by seasonality (a warm season with maximum solar activity). Such people can not be exposed to sunlight for a long time, since this can cause deterioration of the state in the form of a general reaction of the body with a violation of respiratory and cardiac activity.
Diagnosis of hives is usually not difficult. Differential diagnostics is performed with other types of dermatoses.
Treatment of all kinds of urticaria ispossible elimination of the cause, the appointment of antihistamines, hyposensitizing drugs (calcium preparations), diets, purification of the intestine by sorbents. Ointment on the skin covers ointments that relieve the itching, hormonal ointments. Apply sedatives.