/ / Lazolvan for inhalations

Bladder for inhalation

Лазолван для ингаляций обладает secretory, secretory, expectorant properties. The drug has a stimulating effect on glandular serous cells in the bronchial mucosa. In addition, Lazolvan for inhalation increases the secretion of mucus and the release of surfactants in the bronchi and alveoli, normalizes the ratio of mucous and serous sputum components. The drug promotes the activation of hydrolytic enzymes and the enhancement of liberation from Clara cells by lysosomes. Thus, Lazolvan for inhalations reduces the viscosity of sputum, increasing its mucociliary transport, while increasing the motor activity of cilia in the ciliated epithelium.

The drug is indicated for chronic and acute pathology of the respiratory tract, accompanied by the formation of a viscous secretion. To such diseases carry:

- bronchitis;

- Rhinitis, sinusitis;

- bronchiolitis;

- bronchial asthma;

- cystic fibrosis;


Lazolvan for inhalation is not applied whenhypersensitivity, as well as during the first trimester of pregnancy, in the second and third - the drug is used with extreme caution and under the constant supervision of a doctor. In addition, the purpose of appointment is determined by the doctor and during lactation, as well as inadequate hepatic or renal.

Lazolvan. Mode of application

In the inhaler the preparation is mixed with saline solution. The ratio is one to one.

Children under six years of age are given one or two inhalations of 2 ml daily, from seven years old and adults - 2 to 3 ml can be used.

Use of medicinal solution canprovoke in some cases, side effects. In practice, allergic reactions were noted in the form of angioedema, rash, hives, allergic contact dermatitis (extremely rare).

Prolonged intake of high doses of medication can provoke vomiting, gastralgia, heartburn, nausea.

The occurrence of acute severe anaphylactic reactions was extremely rare.

Medication compatible with inhibitory genericactivity of drugs. The use of Lazolvan in combination with antitussive drugs provokes difficulties in sputum discharge against the background of a decreasing cough. The drug is able to increase the penetration of cefuroxime, amoxicillin, doxycycline and erythromycin into the bronchial secretion.

As observations show, today inhalersquite firmly entered the life of man. In this regard, medicine is trying to adapt to them. That is why new drug forms appear in pharmacies. One of these forms is Lazolvan for inhalation. Reviews in most cases after using the drug are positive. Many note its effectiveness. In the opinion of a large number of patients, such a dosage form does not negatively affect the stomach. Lazolvan acts after some time. Noticeable relief is already observed on the second day.

The solution can also be used inside. But, because of its bitter taste, it is used mainly in an inhaler.

Despite the relatively high cost, according to many patients, Lazolvan justifies the costs.

It should be noted that there are cases,when the patients did not feel the effect. Similar phenomena occur due to various factors, including individual characteristics of the body, as well as the course and nature of the disease with which they are trying to fight.

This is why it is recommended to consult a specialist before using medicines. Self-medication should not be dealt with, especially it is not necessary to choose therapy independently for children.

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