"Ectericide" is a unique medicine created onbased on water soluble fish oil products. It can be used to eliminate various types of pathogenic bacteria. Antiseptic preparation "Etercicide" instruction recommends using when processing wound surfaces. Due to the antimicrobial properties of the solution, it is often also used to treat the common cold in babies. Let us consider in more detail the composition and characteristics of the use of the drug.
“Ectericide” refers to the group of antimicrobialdrugs and has a wide range of effects on pathogens that cause purulent processes. The tool has a natural origin. It is based on fatty acids, aldehydes and peroxides - substances derived from fish oil. These components are able to inhibit the activity of pyogenic bacteria.
The drug is available in the form of a solution forexternal use and packaged in glass bottles of 50 and 250 ml. The therapeutic effect of the drug extends to antibiotic-resistant staphylococci, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia. Means "Etericidal" instructions for use (the price of the medicine will be listed below) allows the use in pediatric practice.
The Ukrainian pharmacological company Pharmstandard Biolek (Kharkov) produces antimicrobial solution. According to the annotation, the solution is suitable for the treatment of the following ailments:
If necessary, rehabilitation of carriers of meningococcus also recommends the use of the "Etericide" solution instructions for use.
The price of the drug depends on the amount of packaging andfluctuates between 350-870 rubles. However, it is almost impossible to find this drug in pharmacies. It should be borne in mind that the Etercicide has no analogues in composition. If necessary, the solution is replaced with drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect. One of these tools is Dekasan.
Pharmaceutical industry producesa sufficiently small number of drugs that are of natural origin and are considered safe for the body. "Ectericide" just falls into this category and is completely non-toxic. Many pediatricians recommend using it for the treatment of rhinitis in children.
The "etericide" instruction positions asantibacterial drug of local action, and therefore it is often prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis of varying severity and rhinitis with SARS. Children are buried in it as usual nasal drops. At the same time, the therapeutic effect of this drug appears much faster than with other popular remedies. A significant improvement in the condition of babies is observed on the 3rd day of using the medicine.
Already at the first sign of a viral infection canstart using the “Etercicide” oil solution. Drops with a cold should be applied several times a day. Doctors usually recommend bury 1-2 drops in each nasal passage. Another method of using the solution involves laying turric soaked in drug. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. This option is more suitable for the treatment of rhinitis in adults.
Применяя одновременно физраствор и antimicrobial agent "Etercicide" with a cold, you can significantly speed up the healing process. Before you drip the main medication, you should clear the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus with saline or preparations based on seawater.
According to the official medication instructionsnatural origin can be used with little or no restrictions. The only contraindication is intolerance to fish oil or its components.
"Etericidal" instruction allows use fortreatment of rhinitis in infants, because the drug is well tolerated. Side effects in the form of itching, burning or swelling of the mucous membranes are observed in extremely rare cases. Similar situations usually occur on the background of intolerance or hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug. It is necessary to refuse further use of the solution in the event of pathological symptoms and consult a specialist to correct the treatment regimen.
For the treatment of rhinitis one of the mosteffective is the remedy "ekteritsid." It is buried in the nose of children in order to avoid drying out of mucus that is liberally released during the period of the disease. In addition to moisturizing oil solution is able to eliminate pathogens that enhance the inflammatory process.
According to reviews cope with the symptoms of a runny nosewith the help of medication succeeds in a few days. If you start using the solution immediately from the first days of the disease, you can prevent the development of complications and strengthen the immune system at the local level.
"Dekasan" - the main analogue of antimicrobialmeans "ekteritsid". The instruction positions it as a highly effective antiseptic preparation, which is widely used in medical practice. The drug can affect both gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens.
The active ingredient of the drug isDecamethoxin - a substance that can violate the integrity of the membrane of target cells. The solution has a selective therapeutic effect and does not affect the cells of the human body. In case of a cold and ARVI, the analogue of "Ectericide" is recommended to be used in inhalation therapy.
The procedure should be carried out usingnebulizer. The device will break the solution into microparticles and deliver them to the damaged areas of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Inhalation with "Dekasan" with a cold is carried out twice a day. Pre medication diluted with saline.