Children of modern society are significantly differentfrom the previous generation. From an early age, parents load a child with a large amount of diverse information. Overload, nervous and psychological overexertion, food "on the go" does not contribute to the health of the baby. In addition, imported, reusable products contain very few substances useful for the full growth and development of the child. Therefore, there is a need to receive beneficial microelements from outside. What vitamins for children from 3 years to choose? We'll help you figure it out.
Why at the age of 3 years there isneed to take extra vitamins? Everything is very simple! It is during this period that most children begin active introduction into the society: they visit various places of a large crowd of people, including children's pre-school institutions and circles, sites, actively move and learn the world. If before the baby was protected by mother's breast milk or ate extremely useful and healthy food, calculated for the child's body, then at the age of 3 many parents transfer their children for a "common table", on which it is not always possible to find the substances necessary for the child's health. So it turns out that in the period of active development the baby receives less than the necessary vitamins. This leads to frequent diseases, a weakened immunity, a decline in strength. Then the question arises about the intake of synthetic vitamin complexes. According to consumers, it can be judged that industrial multivitamins help to strengthen the immune system of the child, improve memory, promote intellectual development.
What vitamins are needed?The child is 3 years old, he needs all groups of vitamins in dosage according to age. These are groups of substances such as A, D, C, B, E. Vitamins P, H, F, minerals: iodine, iron, calcium, zinc and others are also needed.
Vitamin | What is it needed for | Which products contain |
A | It has antioxidant properties, helps in the fight against infectious diseases, promotes normalization of vision, hair growth, skin health. | Carrots, apricots, tomatoes, liver, meat. |
D | It helps to assimilate calcium, promotes the prevention of rickets. | Egg yolk, fish oil. It is synthesized under the action of ultraviolet. |
FROM | Strengthens the immune system, promotes wound healing. | Bulgarian pepper, dog rose, parsley, sorrel, citrus. |
Vitamins of group B | They contribute to the assimilation of other vitamins, take part in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic processes. | Liver, bran, cereals, yeast. |
E | Participates in oxygen exchange, blood circulation. | Wheat, oil, nuts. |
Vitamins for children from 3 years are produced in such combinations:
Children's vitamins are produced in the form of:
Judging by the reviews of mothers of babies who takevitamins, most of all children like jelly figurines. They have an attractive shape, bright colors, fruity taste. In addition, the possibility of overdose is excluded. You just need to give the baby jelly and you can safely be sure that the child has received the necessary daily dose of vitamins and trace elements. But what children like is not always useful. Unfortunately, tempting color and taste are acquired with the help of synthetic flavors and dyes, which will not benefit the children's body and often cause allergic reactions.
Overabundance of vitamins in the body is not less thanis more dangerous than their shortcoming. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor about taking vitamins for children from 3 years of age. Dr. Komarovsky believes that to give babies such supplements is necessary only for the purpose and necessity, having passed before that a number of tests for the definition of vitamin deficiency. The lack of vitamins can be determined by some symptoms:
In summer, artificial vitamins fora child of 3 years is better to postpone. But in the winter they will be of little use. To take a course of vitamin complex intake is necessary in the autumn so that during the beginning of epidemics of virus diseases the body has already been prepared, protected. Give the child a course of 2 weeks, then take a break for 3 months. Overabundance of fat-soluble vitamins can cause toxic effects on the body - the child will be poisoned.
How to choose vitamins for children from 3 years? Comments of consumers allow to make the following rating of the most popular preparations:
Daily intake of calcium for children fromyear to 10 years is 800 mg. In products, the substance is found in milk, beans, nuts. But the diet with calcium-containing products is not always sufficient. Symptoms such as numbness and cramps of the fingers, limbs, roughness of the skin, bleeding gums, indicate a lack of vitamin in the body. In this case, the doctor can prescribe vitamins with calcium for children from 3 years, for example:
Moms talk about a noticeable improvement in the teethin children during the intake of vitamins with calcium. But such complexes should be taken only with the appointment of a doctor and the presence of indications, since calcium has the property of being deposited in the body and leading to an overdose.