Many people know firsthand what sensationsYou can experience when the sciatic nerve has become inflamed. Symptoms are based on painful sensations. What are the causes of inflammation, what methods can be treated and how to prevent the disease?
Седалищный нерв - самый крупный нерв в теле rights. It begins in the lumbar region of the spine, originating at the five points of the spinal cord, then passes downwards, along the back region of the thigh, branches, innervating the thigh, the knee, shin, ankle, feet, toes.
When the points of exit from the spinal cord are affected, the sciatic nerve. Symptoms in this case are accompanied by pain andoften a violation of sensitivity. This disease is called "sciatica" or "neuritis of the sciatic nerve" and serves as one of the manifestations of radiculitis. Sciatica is often accompanied by an intervertebral hernia.
Causes: The main causes of sciatica are variousinflammation of the spine, for example, osteochondrosis, hypothermia, inflammation of the joints, displacement of the intervertebral disc, spine trauma, severe physical exertion, diabetes and various infectious diseases.
Symptoms: If the sciatic nerve has become inflamed, the symptoms are expressed in pain along the entire nerve. In terms of severity, the pain can be different - from mild to intense pulsating.
При дальнейшем поражении верхних участков нерва, in patients there is a restriction of limb movement in the knee joint, numbness of the foot muscles, a violation of the sensitivity of the foot and the outer surface of the shin.
In some cases with inflammation of one of thebranches of the sciatic nerve - the peroneal nerve, there is a hanging of the foot, the inability of the patient to stand on the heel, change in gait. With bilateral such lesions, the movement of the patient resembles a cock's gait.
If the sciatic nerve is partially inflamed,symptoms are expressed in acute burning pain. Such pains arise spontaneously, can be intensified by some stimuli not directed to the skin, for example, with bright light or loud sounds.
Sometimes the pain decreases from exposure to cold water, so some to reduce discomfort apply a painful place towel, soaked in cold water.
Diagnostics: To diagnose, that the sciatic nerve can be stained by characteristic symptoms of the disease, as well as data from laboratory examinations of spinal cord fluid and X-ray examination.
When examining the spinal cord fluid in the acute course of sciatica, the maximum number of cellular elements or pleocytosis is present in it, which indicates the presence of inflammation.
X-ray examination allows you to identifythe cause of inflammation, for example, disorders in the spine. It is impossible to see x-ray imaging of soft tissues, therefore magnetic resonance imaging is used for this purpose, showing the back structure in detail and accurately.
Treatment: With conservative treatment of sciatica usedvarious drugs that provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing, resorptive and anti-edematous action. In combination with the main treatment, we recommend physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, hydrotherapy, and vitamin therapy.
If conservative treatment does not have the desired effect, in some cases, surgery is recommended, which eliminates the cause of inflammation, for example, intervertebral hernia.
If there is sciatica in the background of a trauma with a fulla break in the nerve trunk requires a surgical operation, during which the peripheral and central segments of the damaged area are sewn.
Folk remedies: If the sciatic nerve is chilled, then you can use folk remedies:
1. Rubbing the affected area with alcohol solutions, for example, with a tincture of hot pepper.
2.To relieve pain, you can mix a glass of flour and three tablespoons of honey, without adding water to knead the dough, form a cake from it, attach it to the sacrum, cover it with polyethylene, warm it and leave it overnight. In the morning remove the cake and wash the place of application with warm water.
3. Take infusion of St. John's wort, fill two spoons of herbs with two glasses of boiling water. The resulting solution should be infused and taken on an empty stomach three to four times a day.
Treatment of sciatica with the help of folk recipes will be more effective if you add massage and physiotherapy to this treatment and do not neglect the methods of traditional treatment.