For the whole life period, a personto face the reception of a variety of drugs. This can be analgesic and anti-pyretic drugs, antiviral and antibacterial compositions, hormonal agents and drugs regulating the operation of various organs. To the latter form, the drug "Iodofol" can be classified. Instructions and recommendations for use will be described in the article presented.
What is included in the preparation of Iodophol?The instruction tells about the following components. The main active substance is iodine. It can be found in the medicine in an amount of 150 milligrams per capsule. Also, the remedy includes vitamin B6. It is also called folic acid. This substance is available in an amount of 400 milligrams per pill. It can be noted that the name of the medication speaks for itself.
In addition, the composition of the drug "Iodofol" includesadditional components. Among them, glucose, talc, lactose, cellulose and so on. It is thanks to these substances that you can take the drug in the form of dense tablets. The manufacturer produces the medicine in a convenient package. Clicking on the button, you can get one capsule of the drug. The drug can always be taken with you.
When does a person need Iodophol? The instruction for use indicates the following indications:
In some cases, a list of indications mayincrease. That's why you should not take Iodophol tablets yourself. The instruction and its detailed study does not give you a guarantee of the absence of side effects. Excess iodine can lead to negative consequences.
This medicine is prescribed for adults andchildren over 12 years. Before the start of the course, you need to pass some tests. Always remember that the excess of a component can adversely affect the health of a person.
How to drink the medicine "Iodifol"?The instruction for use shows the following. In a day a person needs to take one capsule. It is preferable to do it in the morning. It is then that most of the vitamins are absorbed by the body. The pill is taken with or immediately after a meal. This allows you to provide a picture of proper nutrition, when the necessary substances enter the body with food. Drink the tablet with the required amount of clean water. The rate of such correction is not more than one month. At the end of this period, you need to see a doctor for further recommendations.
Whether it is possible to accept the described means while waiting for the baby? Instruction and specialists say the following.
Tablets should be used duringpregnancy. However, before beginning the correction, it is worth reviewing other vitamin complexes that the woman takes. As you remember, the surplus of some components does not lead to anything good. During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed according to the following scheme. From the fourth week from the last menstruation, a long course begins. It will continue until 12 weeks. In some cases, the doctor may increase the time of admission. In a day, two tablets of the drug "Iodofol" are used. This amount allows you to fill the daily requirement of the body in folic acid and iodine.
When breastfeeding it is advisable to dobreaks in the courses. Also in this period, a woman should take one tablet of the drug described. This will help the baby to develop correctly and without deviations.
Now you know how to take the medicineIodifol. Always remember the limitations. So, the drug is not recommended for use in diabetes mellitus, obesity and with individual intolerance of the components that make up its composition. Be healthy!