/ / Acute and chronic laryngitis: treatment in children and its dangers

Acute and chronic laryngitis: treatment in children and its dangers

Inflammation of the larynx, called in the people falsecroup, is an inflammatory process in the larynx. The medical name for false croup is laryngitis. Treatment in children of this disease occurs with slight differences from adults. Most often, laryngitis occurs in the winter-spring period, and the most susceptible to the disease are boys, from the age of three months to 6-7 years.

Различные респираторные вирусы являются наиболее frequent with such a disease as laryngitis. Treatment in children is prescribed taking into account all factors contributing to the development of laryngitis. A child's inadequate nutrition, a lack of vitamins, weakened or overcooled children's body, dusty air, suffered measles or scarlet fever - all these reasons are also aiding the development of the acute form of the disease "laryngitis". Treatment in children should include measures to eliminate the environment favorable for the development of laryngitis.

Acute laryngitis in itself does not apply tosevere disease. However, the situation may be aggravated by various complications against the background of acute laryngitis, sometimes threatening a child’s life. The edema of the mucous membrane of the inflamed larynx causes breathing problems for the baby, so the slightest suspicion of the development of acute laryngitis is the reason for an urgent call to the doctor or an ambulance. Due to the weak immunity of the child, the disease is characterized by rapid development. To the usual indisposition, fever is added, the voice becomes hoarse or disappears altogether, the burning sensation in the throat is complemented by a dry barking cough. Parents should pay special attention to the risk of breathing difficulties, a sign of choking is the blue lips of the baby. Having diagnosed laryngitis in a child, the doctor will tell you what to treat. With timely treatment, acute laryngitis passes within a few days.

В условиях частых рецидивов, острая форма laryngitis becomes chronic. As a rule, it is preceded by measles or flu laryngitis, a recent infection of the respiratory tract or a strong strain of the vocal cords. During the period of voice mutation in adolescent children, accompanied by the growth of the larynx, there is also a high risk of developing a chronic course of the disease.

Having identified laryngitis, treatment in children begins withimmediate introduction of bed rest. The task of parents is the maximum round-the-clock control over the breathing of a sick child. Shown abundant warm alkaline drink. Perhaps the appointment of a diversionary therapy in the form of foot baths or mustard plaster. In the presence of temperature, it is necessary to give the child antipyretic. Inhalation with solutions of furacillin or soda, decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort, calendula or sage has proven excellent. The same tools I use for gargling, which should be done very often.

Из народных средств можно прибегнуть к instillation into the nose of vegetable oil (on a whole pipette in one nostril), while the child must be in a horizontal position for a while and then stand up, thus causing the oil to drain on the back wall of the nasopharynx. It is shown drinking warm milk, diluted with mineral water or with the addition of honey.

Treatment of chronic laryngitis should take place inconditions of medical supervision. It is necessary to sanitize the nose and the area of ​​the nasopharynx to ensure the baby breathing through the nose. A child in the period of exacerbation of the disease is forbidden to shout, strain voice. And the throat is either lubricated with protargol or pulverized with tannin solutions of 0.25-0.5%, soda or a penicillinated aerosol.

When the doctor diagnosed “laryngitis”, treatment in children should be started immediately, since the risk of a sudden attack of suffocation due to laryngeal edema is very high.

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