Health and livelihoods of any livingthe body is completely dependent on sufficient intake of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. This issue is especially acute during the birth of a new life. Therefore, it is so important to take multivitamins for pregnant women during the period of the alleged conception and subsequent gestation of a small man.

The results of numerous studies have proved,that taking vitamins during pregnancy reduces the risk of developing pathologies of a different nature in newborns. Yes, and the future mother will feel much better, and her health will remain at the proper level, if she does not neglect the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist and starts taking multivitamins for pregnant women. It's not a secret that the period of pregnancy is a strong stress for the woman's body, during which all processes of vital activity are activated, and organs and systems work practically on wear and tear. Therefore, he needs nutrients more than ever.
To the process of the birth of a new life, man anda woman should be approached very seriously and thoroughly. On how much the female body will be prepared, depends on the health of the future baby. Doctors recommend starting taking multivitamins for pregnant women at least three months before the alleged conception. Then by this moment a sufficient number of important elements will be accumulated, which are necessary for the laying of the child's internal organs and his further miraculous reincarnation into a full-fledged fruit.

No less acute is the issue of maternal andchild and after childbirth. Most of the nutrients entering the female body go into breast milk. With a shortage of them, a woman may experience discomfort. Hair begins to fall out, teeth become damaged, because of the washing out of calcium from the bones, the posture worsens and the joints ache. Here, too, to help come the wand-zashchalochka in the form of the same vitamins, which are designed specifically for nursing mothers. Ask about what vitamins for hair, teeth and bones should be taken during this period, you can in the pharmacy or the doctor.
As the growth and development of the child, nutritionalsubstances and vitamins, supplied with the mother's milk, is no longer enough for him. In this case, too, you have to think about how to help your child grow up healthy and strong. About what vitamins are best for infants, the pediatrician will tell. He not only will recommend which preparations to buy, but also explain in detail the scheme of their reception.

Take multivitamins for pregnant women and children -this is not the most important thing for health. Do not forget about the active lifestyle. It is necessary to move as much as possible, go in for sports, walk in the fresh air, eat right. It is necessary to eat more fruits and berries, vegetables, fresh fish and natural meat products. Synthetic multivitamins are, of course, good, but they still can not fully replace natural, created by nature itself.