/ / What is the hormonal correction after 40 years

What is the hormonal correction after 40 years

At an age close to Balzac's,women, as a rule, notice that not only their appearance undergoes serious changes, the state of health changes, and with it the mood. All this, of course, is not a disease, but a signal that the body needs a correction of the hormonal background.

hormonal correction after 40 years

Who is at risk most

Experts argue that there is a certain group of women who, before others, will notice changes in the general state and the approach of wilting. It, as a rule, includes ladies who:

  • previously complained of pronounced premenstrual syndrome (the so-called PMS);
  • suffer from vegetovascular dystonia;
  • have problems with the endocrine system (eg, thyroid disease);
  • are prone to obesity or are diabetic.

All those on this list usually need a hormonal correction after 40 years. But how to implement it?

How to maintain your hormonal background

Of course, if you notice serious problems inthe form of hair loss or their increased growth on the body, constant insomnia, irritability, hot flushes and the like ailments, you should consult a doctor. But the most you can do a lot of useful things. For example, make sure that the body regularly receives vitamins B, C, E, A and folic acid.

Hormonal correction after 40 years is infirst correctly compiled diet. So, the introduction of soybean curd into it - tofu (100 g once a week) - will help to postpone the onset of menopause, and with it, poor health, for several years. Soy not only normalizes the level of estrogen, but also prevents the appearance of malignant tumors. A complete alternative to soy is considered peas, beans and lentils.

Гормональная коррекция после 40 лет подразумевает also the use of lean meat, which plays a serious role in the production of estrogen, and fish and seafood, which must be eaten at least 3 times a week, will help the walls of blood vessels to maintain their elasticity. We must not forget about raw vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and vegetable oils. All these products will help you to maintain youth and health of the body longer.

hormonal correction

Women's herbs

Hormonal correction after 40 years is possible andwith the help of traditional medicine, which offers many tools for this. We are talking about the so-called female herbs that can simulate the production of estrogen, progesterone, and also normalize the menstrual cycle. These include sage, goose cones, meadow meadow, cuff, oregano, hops, linden, flax, mallow, nettle and other medicinal plants.

And the most important thing is to love yourself, rejoice in each new day and smile more, then old age will recede for a long time!

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