/ / Than the walnut is useful

Than the walnut is useful

Nut trees are rather whimsicalclimatic conditions of the plant, they grow mainly in America and the countries of central Europe, but this did not prevent the walnut from becoming one of the most popular and at the same time scarce food in the world. What is the reason for such popularity, why are people ready to pay big money for this delicacy?

The fact is that in addition to the excellent taste qualities,Walnut has also very useful properties for the human body. Walnuts can serve not only as food, but also as a cure for many diseases, such as diabetes mellitus. But nevertheless let's understand, than the walnut is useful and that became the pledge of its medical properties.

The first reason lies in the walnut tree itself,The matter is that it has a very powerful root system, its roots go deep into the earth, which allows the tree to completely protect itself from negative external factors such as bad ecology. It is a well-known fact that after the explosion at the Chernobyl AES, nuts that grew at a distance of fifty kilometers from the station, yielded absolutely pure fruits the next year, it became possible precisely because of the developed root system of the walnut tree. Based on this, we can conclude that the quality of walnut, unlike all other fruits, is almost independent of the ecological state of the zone in which the tree grows, and this is especially true in the realities of active environmental pollution. You do not have to worry about the fact that the tree from which the walnut was picked up grew incomprehensible on what.

A walnut is also useful because of itscomposition. These fruits are more than 57 percent of fat, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are actively used in the preventive treatment of atherosclerosis. It should also be noted that in nutty fruits in large quantities (16%) contains proteins, similar in structure to proteins of meat and dairy products, and occupy the first place among plant.

Nuts are also rich in potassium, iron and phosphorus andlead among all plants in terms of iodine content, so now the treatment of thyroid gluten is especially common, only 2-5 nuts per day will provide you with the necessary level of iodine and help to bring the thyroid gland back to normal. By the way, the concentration of iodine in the leaves is so great that it will be useful even to just sit under the crown of this powerful tree, of course, this will not cure you of all diseases, but it will definitely benefit. It is worth noting that the low carbohydrate content allows you to eat walnuts in diabetes mellitus, and the nut shell, which we are accustomed to just throw away, is rich in vitamin C.

People already know for a long time what a walnut is useful, andit is not surprising that there are a lot of recipes for folk remedies, for example, infusion on walnut leaves will help you fight worms and intestinal disorders, and nut juice with honey will save from stomatitis. Also in pharmacies now available natural walnut oil, this is an excellent remedy for the treatment of conjunctivitis and otitis, and being also an antiseptic, it will help to heal the wounds more quickly.

Now that we know what a walnut is useful,we can say that it is deservedly considered one of the most useful herbal products, which has excellent healing properties, and moreover has no contraindications. Do not neglect the useful products, which in the CIS countries can be purchased at an affordable price, or you can procure them yourself. Be sure to include walnuts in your daily diet, this will help you improve immunity and protect yourself from a variety of diseases.

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