The discovery of antibacterial agents a few moredecades ago was a breakthrough in medicine. With these medications, people were able to get rid of quite serious pathologies, previously considered deadly. Preparations are used for oral administration, are applied to the skin and mucous membranes. Antibiotics for topical use became the drug "Framaminazin". Instructions for use, the composition of this drug and opinions about it will be described for you.
About the drug "Framaminas" instructions for usesays that he is an antibiotic that has a bactericidal effect. The main substance is a compound of framicetin sulfate. In one milliliter of solution, 12.5 milligrams of this drug is present.
The medicine is issued in the form of a colorless oryellowish liquid. It is placed in vials with a nozzle-sprayer. The drug has antibacterial and bactericidal action. It damages the pathogenic cell, destroying its cytoplasmic membrane. The active substance is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms living in the upper respiratory tract of a person.
Before using the drug "Framaminazine"The instruction manual should be studied very carefully. The annotation indicates the indications, which oblige the patient to take an antibiotic. Also, there are restrictions, in the presence of which the drug is prohibited. Even if the medicine is prescribed by a doctor, these data should be studied.
The drug is administered nasally.By pressing the sprayer, one dose of the medicine is delivered. During the introduction, it is necessary to keep the head straight, not tilting it to the side. The agent is applied to the nasal mucosa after preliminary cleansing of the strokes. To achieve a greater effect, the cavity should be rinsed.
The duration of therapy is 7 days.It should be borne in mind that even if you feel better, you should not stop using an antibiotic before the end of that period. Otherwise, the resistance of microorganisms to the active substance will appear. This is reported to the drug "Framaminaz" instructions for use.
There are different opinions about the drug.Most patients who follow the advice of a doctor remain happy with the medicine. Parents of children say that the remedy helps to get rid quickly of green snot. In addition, the drug does not cause adverse reactions. The medication is administered nasally, so it does not disrupt the digestive process, like many antibiotics.
The drug is effective against differentmicroorganisms. If there is a bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract, then the medicine is likely to help you. The drug does not have a vasoconstrictive effect, it does not cause habituation. Use the medication is permissible as prescribed by the doctor already from the first days of life.
Please note that the appointment of antibiotics should be done by a doctor. Self-medication can aggravate your health. Good luck!