Tobacco - this is quite commonBad habit, which due to the presence of a large number of pitches in cigarettes, causes irreparable damage to the health of the smoker. As an alternative, which has less negative impact, electronic cigarettes appeared on the market. But are they really safe and why are electronic cigarettes exploding?
An electronic cigarette is an electrical appliance,consisting of an evaporator (atomizer), a control board, a battery, a charger. There are devices with a large number of components. The electronic cigarette works as follows: when the device is switched on, the aromatized liquid is heated, which delivers nicotine through steam.
The process of using an electronic cigarette is,in fact, not smoking in the traditional sense, and the steam is Vape, which in English means "steam." That is why the "smoking" of an electronic cigarette was nicknamed "wapping" or "waving".
Since wiping is quite commonoccupation (today even interest clubs have appeared), the news about exploding devices in the media forced some smokers to return to traditional cigarettes.
The explosion of an electronic cigarette - is this possible in principle? The likelihood of an explosion of the device is the same as in the case of conventional smartphones, laptops and other electronics.
The new-fashioned device is a rather complex device,which is powered by rechargeable batteries. During the production of electronic cigarettes, lithium batteries are used, which can be found in the "stuffing" of smartphones, laptops and other gadgets. Any batteries of this type, in view of their relatively recent development, require careful attention. Therefore, it is so important to use only high-quality devices from proven manufacturers and monitor the status of the battery.
Why do the batteries explode in electronic cigarettes? The reasons can be several: this is a low quality device, and improper use, and mechanical damage.
The explosion, in fact, is a chemical reaction with instant release of a large volume of thermal energy. Why do electronic cigarettes explode? It can happen for several reasons:
Gadgets with quality batteriesthe protection of the surface of the battery is manifested. Why are electronic cigarettes exploding if the manufacturer provides such protection? Batteries of poor quality or those batteries that are damaged can become the cause of the release of thermal energy and the ignition of the formed gases. Most often, that's why electronic cigarettes explode.
Possible causes of the explosions include:
So, why do the batteries of electronic cigarettes explode? As a rule, due to improper operation or initially poor quality of the device.
Choice of electronic cigarettes for every taste and pursethe high popularity of the device. The device is available and easy to use, safer for health than a regular cigarette, and many just like the thick smoke with "unconventional" smoking. But the explosions of the constituent parts of the electronic cigarette make the use of the device extremely unsafe.
It is important to follow the banal simple rules of technologysafety during smoking. This will protect yourself from the danger of using electronic cigarettes, which can arise due to improper operation of the device. Basic safety rules include the following principles:
Adhering to simple recommendations, you canavoid a theoretically possible explosion of the device, because the safety of using an electronic cigarette does not always depend on the brand or manufacturer.