/ / Medicinal product "Fokusin". Instructions for use

Medicinal product "Fokusin". Instructions for use

Medicinal product "Fokusin" instructions forapplication refers to a group of drugs that block alpha-adrenoreceptors, used in cases of hyperplasia (benign) of the prostate gland. The active active substance of the drug is tamsuzoline. It is able to block alpha 1-adrenergic receptors located in the smooth muscles of the prostate gland, the sphincter of the bladder and in the prostatic area of ​​the urethra.

By deactivating the above receptorsthere is a decrease in the tone of the neck of the bladder. As a consequence, the muscles of the prostate gland relax, the effect on the urethra is facilitated and its lumen becomes larger.

"Fokusin" preparation, instructions for usenotes, characterized by a rapid and maximum absorption. To accelerate this process, you should take the medicine after eating. In blood plasma, it is actively associated with proteins, its highest concentration is observed after six hours after ingestion. It has been established that with a regular intake of this drug, the level of its content in the blood is much higher than after a single application. Most of the drug is to be excreted by the kidneys.

Medication "Fokusin" is a medicine used fortreatment of malfunctions of the functioning of the body, the cause of which is benign prostatic hyperplasia. The drug has the greatest therapeutic effect on patients in whom this organ is not significantly enlarged, and the symptoms are fairly pronounced. In addition, a specialist can prescribe this drug to improve urodynamics.

The drug "Fokusin" (instructions for use contains this information) is applicable for treatment exclusively of the stronger sex.

The standard dosage of the drug is as follows:one capsule (0.4 milligrams) per day. The optimal time for applying the drug is after the morning meal. Capsule should be swallowed without chewing. If necessary, you can drink medicine with water. In the case of a damaged shell, the drug should not be taken. The perforated outer portion of the capsule may result in a change in the release rate of the active active ingredient.

If the kidneys and / or liver fail, do not adjust the dose of the "Fokusin" medication. The course of treatment with this drug is, as a rule, two weeks.

Due to the high selectivity of the activeactive substance side effects on the background of receiving the drug under consideration are rare. Very rarely there is a feeling of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, dizziness, insomnia, headaches. In addition, a few patients experienced orthostatic hypotension, ejaculation disorder, priapism, urticaria, rash, edema Quincke.

In case of occurrence of the aforementioned or other undesirable reactions, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about this.

"Fokusin" preparation, instructions for usespecifies, is contraindicated in orthostatic hypotension, severe violations of the functioning of the liver, kidneys, as well as with individual intolerance of substances that make up the medication in question.

At the moment, cases of overdoseof the drug has not been fixed. However, since there is a possible effect of the drug on the heart, if the recommended amount of medication is exceeded, the functioning of this organ may be disrupted. Eliminate malfunctions with vasoconstrictors, bulk-replacing solutions, gastric lavage and cardiotropic treatment. Hemodialysis in this case is ineffective.

Shelf life of the drug is two years.

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