The preparation "Collagen Ultra" is a bioadditive,improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system. This substance is not related to medicinal products. It is used for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthrosis. In addition, the additive is used to prevent the development of cellulite.
Mechanism of action of the drug
The main component of the dietary supplement is collagen. It is a protein containing unique amino acids that take an active part in the metabolic processes of connective and muscle tissue.
Connective tissue proteins (elastin, collagen) that come with food are usually poorly digested. With the help of innovative technologies, an easily digestible product rich in amino acids is obtained.
This allows the collagen of animal origin to be processed. The drug restores the natural balance of the substance in the body. After all, this balance is broken with age.
"Collagen Ultra": composition
The composition of the drug includes ascorbic acid andhydrolyzed collagen. This substance belongs to connective tissue proteins, and its hydrolyzate is an easily digestible form. Collagen is found in ligaments, vessels, cartilages, nails, tendons, connective tissue. Deficiency of it in tissues and organs can cause the development of inflammatory reactions in the joints. The lack of this protein affects the condition of the skin and its derivatives. To maintain the concentration of connective tissue substances at a certain level is necessary for people in old age, as well as during the rehabilitation period after injuries, burns, operations on the joints, spine, tendons.
With regular use of the drug "Collagenultra »reduces the pain that occurs with osteochondrosis, increases the elasticity of the skin, restores the joint-ligament apparatus. The remedy helps those who, under the nature of their activity, undergo significant physical exertion or have trauma: dislocations, sprains, bruises and fractures. The preparation "Collagen ultra" can also be taken by healthy people who have no problems with the function of the joint and ligament apparatus. Many experts recommend the use of this bioadditive to achieve a certain cosmetic effect.
Cream "Collagen Ultra" has a multicomponentcomposition. It is intended for outdoor use. The composition of the cream includes the following components: glucosamine, collagen, dimexide, sunflower and mustard oil, essential oils of rosemary, geranium, eucalyptus, lemon, fir, herbal extracts (horsetail, hot pepper, wormwood, burdock).
The drug "Collagen Ultra": contraindications
Powder bioadditives is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity and phenylketonuria. The cream should also not be used if there is an allergy to its main constituents.