Clubs of cold white smoke, a pleasant aroma of fruit tobacco, a murmur of water, a cozy atmosphere, communication with people, relaxation - it is these associations that arise in the head at the word "hookah".
Smoking hookah has long been one of the favoritesentertainment of youth, tired of noisy discos and unrestrained dances. Such a greatly increased popularity is associated with the general enthusiasm for the culture of the East, its traditions, cuisine, interiors and goods. Hookah rooms, opening their doors to lovers of this culture, allow us, guests, to plunge into another world, into a different atmosphere, far from Russian gray everyday life. The opportunity to smoke a hookah, without leaving the usual zone of fun and gluttony, gives us and restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Many lovers of relaxation like this buy it home.
Unfortunately, many do not know how to correctlysmoking a hookah, although they do it quite often. In addition, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the instructions. It will help you not only learn how to properly smoke a hookah, but also how to collect it, fill it up and operate it at home.
Directly the hookah design representsa tube with a filter and a long chibouk; the cup where the tobacco is placed; mine - hollow tube, "core"; flask, where the liquid is poured, whether it is water, milk or alcohol; The hose through which we inhale the smoke; valve, cap. In addition to the kit, you need to purchase: a plate, tongs, foil, screen, mouthpiece, sealant, coal, tobacco, brush etc.
Перед тем, как узнать, как правильно курить hookah, should learn how to collect it. This process begins with the fact that in the flask we pour liquid to such a level that the lower end of the shaft was 2 cm into it immersed. Leave sufficient distance between the liquid and the hose opening to avoid splashing. Then tightly install the shaft and hose. The final stage is the connection of the mine and the bowl.
If you do not know what to do with a hookah and howcorrectly to do this, we dare to assure you, everything is simple here. Choose tobacco to your liking. This can be a multi-fruit, mint, melon, apple, etc. 10 grams of tobacco put in a bowl, fluffing beforehand. Do not stack it too tightly, it is necessary that the air passes. Then tightly wrap the cup with foil and make small holes in it with a toothpick, then put coal on them.
Asking the question on what to smoke a hookah, it is worthnote for yourself what effect you want to achieve. If you want to achieve nirvana and complete relaxation, try a hookah on strong alcohol mixed with water (absinthe, cognac, wine). Keep in mind that in this case you can feel intoxicated, so be careful. If you are an adherent of traditions, milk or plain water will suit you. Hookah on milk turns out more tasty and sated, but water does not affect the body so much.
Now we turn to the main question:"How to smoke a hookah?". In theory, the process is straightforward: you inhale the smoke through the tube with a full chest and after a few seconds it exhales. Before the beginning it is necessary to smoke a hookah, that coals have burnt out. It is also worthwhile to warn yourself against some mistakes that inexperienced smokers are doing. For example, do not inhale as much smoke as possible, do exactly the kind of inspiration that suits you. Otherwise, supersaturation of the body will lead to headache and clouding of the mind. Also, smoking is extremely full, so as not to accelerate the production of juice in the stomach. Only smoke in ventilated and ventilated rooms. Do not mix shisha and spirits. Prefer natural tea with herbs and fruits or a dry cool wine.