Parent forums often ask the question: "How to breed furatsilin in tablets?"
This drug is among the most popular drugshome treatment, for example, when rinsing the mouth and throat, inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis), washing small wounds. A solution of furacilin is useful in any home medicine cabinet, especially if the family has children. But in this form, the drug has a very limited duration, so it is much more convenient to have tablets at hand that can be diluted with water at any time.
What is this medicine?
Furacilin refers to antibacterial agentssynthetic origin. Has antiseptic and disinfectant effect (pharmacological action - antimicrobial). Another name for the drug is Nitrofuran or Hemofuran. The international non-proprietary name is Nitrofural.
Apply furatsilin with acute infectionsgastrointestinal tract of bacterial origin (for example, in dysentery). External solution of this drug is used for furunculosis, bedsores, infected wounds, ulcers, burns I-II degree, tonsillitis, inflammation of the middle ear, mucous membrane of the mouth and nasopharynx, bacterial conjunctivitis.
Furacilin is available as a paste or 0.2%ointments in packages of 25 grams, as well as powder for dilution with water, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is most convenient to have in your home medicine cabinet furatsilin - tablets. The instructions for use are very simple and will tell you how to dilute furacilin in tablets.
They are produced in a weight of 0.02 g and 0.1 g each, havebitter aftertaste and yellowish color. Before you dilute furatsilin in tablets, you should remember that this solution, prepared at home, is suitable only for external use! Contraindications to treatment for them can be individual intolerance, hypersensitivity, as well as pregnancy and lactation. Possible side effects may be dermatitis.
So how do you get a solution of furacilin fromtablets? One tablet contains 0.02 grams of the active substance - nitrofural. To prepare an aqueous 0.02% solution (1: 5000), you need to dissolve this tablet in 100 ml (half a cup) of water. The liquid must be necessarily boiled. The higher its temperature, the faster the dissolution process. It is even better to pre-treat the tablet as small as possible, because the whole dissolves longer.
Before use, the solution must be cooled to room temperature. You can store it at home within 24 hours.
If you want to prepare a sterile solution,Instead of water should be taken saline or distilled water, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. If they are absent, you can use ordinary water, but then the resulting solution must be boiled for half an hour.
Gargling is the most frequent optionuse this medication at home. Rinse should use a room temperature solution (cold rinse is not recommended). To enhance the effect, the throat should preferably be cleaned of accumulated mucus, after rinsing with soda solution. It also enhances the effect of the drug a few drops of the alcohol solution of calendula, added to the drug immediately before use.
How to dilute furacilin in tablets, ifnot an aqueous solution but an alcohol solution is required? To obtain this type of medicine, take medical alcohol in the proportion of 1: 5000. Such a solution can be stored for a long time, and with proper storage it has an almost unlimited shelf life.
Furacilin in all forms of release should be storedin a cool dry place, protected from light. The ideal place for storage is a refrigerator. If stored correctly, the shelf life of the furacilin tablets is 5 years.