Autumn ends and winter comes, and yourthe child has a barking cough? It is possible that this is laryngitis. During the off-season, children's immunity is somewhat reduced, so it can not fully react to various pathogenic factors.
Ларингит у ребенка (как и у взрослых) – inflammation of the mucous larynx caused by various viruses of colds or other infectious diseases of the body (measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever). Causes that stimulate laryngitis in a child can be allergic reactions, vocal cord overstrain, hypothermia, mouth breathing, dustiness and gas contamination of the air.
Опасен ларингит у ребенка тем, что у детей The structure of the nasopharynx is small in size. She and the defense mechanism can not contain microorganisms. As a result, all this "horde" descends into the larynx and even into the trachea (laryngotracheitis), causing a strong inflammation and narrowing of the passage. Therefore, it is possible to block the access of air and the child suffocates. This feature is the reason that young children are hospitalized with acute laryngitis.
Symptoms of laryngitis in children
To determine children's laryngitis, it is necessary to consider the following symptoms in a complex:
- Coryza.
- Redness of the larynx and adjacent areas of the mucosa.
- Slightly hindered and rapid breathing.
- Dry cough.
- Hoarseness.
- Increased temperature and headaches (but not always).
В ночное время все вышеперечисленные симптомы aggravated. The passage in the area of the larynx remains very small, and the inhalation of air is accompanied by a characteristic whistle. Then comes a barking cough. In some cases it is impossible to believe that such sounds originate from a small child. The kid becomes capricious and restless. The cyanotic color of the nasolabial triangle is another sign of developing laryngitis.
Forms and varieties of children's laryngitis
Like any disease, the child's laryngitis can take various forms:
- Sharp. An independent disease that appeared under the action of the above factors and causes. The most common form in children.
- Chronic. Consequence of regular recurrence of acute laryngitis and its incompleteness. It is more common in adults.
The most common varieties of laryngitis in a child are catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic.
Catarrh of laryngitis is the easiest kind of this disease. Accompanied by perspiration and other unpleasant sensations in the throat, hoarseness, infrequent dry cough.
Hypertrophic laryngitis is a weighted catarrhal appearance of this lesion of the larynx and trachea, up to the appearance of nodular formations on the vocal cords (sometimes their removal is required).
Atrophic laryngitis is accompanied by thinningmucosa of the larynx and posterior pharyngeal wall (not always). In children this is a rare sight. The stimulating cause is mainly the use of food and drinks, which irritate and burn the mucous membrane (spicy seasonings and spices).
False groats
Separately it is necessary to tell about "false croup".This stage of acute laryngitis in young children, in which there is a strong narrowing of the passage in the larynx due to edema of the mucosa. It is accompanied by a strong barking cough and blueing of the nasolabial triangle. Most often, "false cereal" occurs at night. The kid can suffocate. Urgent hospitalization is needed. Before the arrival of the ambulance, you can give a strict dosage of antiallergic (suprastin, tavegil) and relieve spasm (no-spa, papaverine) drugs. For adolescents and adults, this condition is not threatened with death.
Children's laryngitis. Treatment and prevention
Treatment of laryngitis in children includes the following actions:
- Minimal conversations (especially screaming) and breathing with the nose. It is necessary to convince the child that these precautions will help to recover.
- Warm drinking in large quantities (not less than 1.5 liters per day).
- Refuse from spicy and spicy food.
- Getting rid of irritating factors. Repair the house, smoking adults in the apartment, regular wet cleaning and so on. An excellent option is treatment in nature.
- Carrying out inhalations.
The need for different medications will be determined by your pediatrician. In this case, you must strictly observe the dosage and the conditions for taking medications.
Parents should always remember that it is better not to admit the disease than to get different consequences. So hardening is the first measure of prevention of laryngitis in children.