Diarrhea in an adult, treatment, prevention,symptoms ... Before we start talking about this, let's define what it is. First of all, it must be emphasized that in the vast majority of cases diarrhea is not a disease, but only one of its symptoms. Thus, the treatment will depend on the diagnosis. For example, severe dysentery requires the use of antibiotics, and Crohn's disease can not be cured without glucocorticosteroids. However, whatever the diarrhea provoked in an adult, treatment should be accompanied by a certain diet.
Patient Diet
Certain productscan make the stool more thick and viscous, that is, they have an astringent effect. Others, on the contrary, dilute excrement, stimulating the production of mucus. In order not to aggravate an already grave condition, during the attacks of diarrhea, experts advise you to exclude from the diet all spices, as well as raw fruits and vegetables (especially beets, plums, prunes, figs and apricots). What is shown in the diagnosis of diarrhea in an adult? Treatment should necessarily include strong black tea, cereals that do not irritate the mucous, kissel, broccoli, biscuits. If the doctor has established, that the diarrhea at you is provoked by an enteropathy, to you strict observance of an elimination diet is recommended. Give up the foods that your tender stomach can not digest, and you will forever forget about diarrhea.
The causes of diarrhea in adults, as already notedhigher, can be very different. However, whatever they are, you lose a lot of liquid in any case. It is natural that this shortage needs to be replenished, so that dehydration does not begin. Since the body together with the liquid is deprived of the necessary trace elements, it is better not to drink ordinary water, but add a little salt and soda (about a teaspoon per liter). Excellent help also with orange juice and a decoction of dried apricots.
It is worth noting that this is a pretty serious blowon an organism - a diarrhoea at the adult. Treatment of the disease can be based on the intake of sorbents, that is, activated carbon, bismuth salts (they contribute to the compaction of feces), smekty (within a day you can drink three or four packets) and attapulgite (it is available in tablets and sold in any pharmacy; up to ten tablets a day). Sorbents are useful because they successfully remove the liquid from the intestine, and with it bacteria and toxins. Diarrhea and flatulence quickly pass.
Intestinal secretion
How to treat diarrhea in adults?Anti-inflammatory drugs are good for diarrhea. They drunk on courses, but remember that the treatment will only make sense if you start it on the first day of the illness. If you for some reason do not want to take medicine, you can resort to phytotherapy. Decoctions of bird-cherry, camomile and oak cortex significantly reduce intestinal secretion. In addition, with digestive disorders, enzymes and probiotics are shown - they repair the injured microflora.
В заключение нужно сказать о том, что чаще всего Diarrhea is caused by ordinary poisoning and passes quite quickly. If diarrhea torments you constantly, then you need to visit a specialist and undergo a complete examination.