/ / "Indinol forte": instructions for use, composition, analogues, testimonials

"Indinol forte": instructions for use, composition, analogues, testimonials

Diseases of the female reproductive system inThere are many reasons for this. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common problem that causes not only serious problems in the general state, but also death. After all, one of the most common oncological diseases is breast cancer. One of the popular drugs that help fight breast diseases in women is the drug "Indinol Forte". Instructions for applying to it will be discussed in the article.

What is the drug?

The composition of "Indinol Forte" is quite simple, because inOnly one active ingredient is indole carbinol (Indolcarbinolum). The drug is available in the form of gelatin capsules, painted in white and orange colors. Inside of them is a microcrystalline powder of light shade. The capsule consists of corn modified corn starch, lactose monohydrate (sugar dairy), magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose. These substances are only formative components and do not play any therapeutic role.

indinol forte instructions for use

How does the drug work?

Medication "Indinol Forte" belongs tofarmgroup "estrogen receptor modulator selective," although the very active substance working in the drug, refers to several pharmacological groups:

  • inducers of interferons;
  • antiviral agents (excluding the human immunodeficiency virus);
  • other metabolites.

This accessory is based on the pharmacological properties of the active component of the drug.

The functional of the drug substance is based onantiestrogenic and antiproliferative ability of indole carbinol. It is an effective tool that causes selective death of cells of breast tissue characterized by high proliferative activity. That is why the drug "Indinol Forte", whose price is high enough, is a qualitative corrector of pathologies of breast tissue, based on the hyperplastic processes that occur in them.

Processes that help the drug to fightpathology of breast tissue, are based on complex metabolic reactions affecting the hormonal sphere of the female body and, in particular, the hormone estrogen. Very often, the cause of abnormal division of cells of breast tissues is its pathological activity and associated changes in the metabolism of the cytochrome system that provides cellular respiration.

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The way of medicine in the human body

The active substance of the preparation "Indinol Forte"has a cumulative ability due to a fairly slow elimination from the body. It penetrates well into the tissues through the mucous membranes, which ensures its high bioavailability and active work in the female reproductive system - the mammary glands, the uterus, and the ovaries. Indolcarbinol is excreted in the urine, in 12 hours the kidneys process about 50% of the substance.

Indications for use

Instructions for use "Indinol Forte"indicates that the drug is prescribed in the therapy of cyclic mastalgia, the basis of which lies in the formation of a benign tumor (hyperplasia) of the mammary glands.

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Капсулы и таблетки "Индинол Форте" должны apply only on the prescription of a doctor who, when choosing a treatment, takes into account not only the current diagnosis, but also contraindications to the use of a given medicine. Contraindications for this drug are as follows:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • deficiency of lactase (enzyme);
  • intolerance of galactose is hereditary;
  • intolerance of the drug components.

This drug can not be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of 18 years.

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How to take the drug?

Инструкция по применению "Индинол Форте" четко indicates a mandatory course treatment with this remedy. Simultaneous or short-term use of the drug will not give a positive result in the elimination of existing problems associated with hyperplasia of the tissues of the mammary glands. The manufacturer recommends a course of taking the medicine for at least 6 months. The specific duration of therapy with the drug and its repetition will be appointed by the attending physician.

Препарат "Индинол Форте" при миоме, гиперплазии One capsule is taken in the morning and evening, before eating. Capsules can not be opened, as they have a protective shell to deliver the active ingredient to the intestine, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream and begins to work.

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Side effects

Yes, a drug that helps women in treatmentdiseases associated with abnormalities of the hormone estrogen and, as a consequence, the formation of tumors in the mammary glands, is "Indinol Forte". Side effects during the course of treatment with this drug are rare. Changing the duration of the menstrual cycle in one direction or another is the main complaint among those who have experienced the undesirable effects of the drug. Also, rare cases of pain or discomfort in the epigastric abdomen are recorded. Some women reported a decrease in body weight at the time of taking this medication.

Among the side effects of thisthe preparation, blood changes, revealed during diagnostic tests, may appear. This may be eosinophilia, a decrease in creatinine, an increase in the amount of prolactin and estradiol, as well as thyroid-stimulating and follicle-stimulating hormones.

As a rule, inadequate response of the body tothis drug appears very rarely and in a minor form, not requiring withdrawal of the medicine, dose adjustment or the use of symptomatic therapy. If the condition worsens, it is necessary to tell the doctor who is leading the treatment.

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Instructions for use "Indinol Forte"indicates that in case of an overdose, symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea are possible. Antidote to the active substance of the drug indolkarbinolu not, so in case of an overdose or poisoning should use symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

Studies have not revealed the abilitydrug influence on concentration of attention or memory, as well as the speed of reactions of a mental or physical nature. Therefore, its use does not serve as a reason for refusing to drive or perform work that requires high concentration of attention and speed of reactions.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is strictly contraindicated in pregnancywomen at any time, as well as those who feed the newborn baby. If the state of health and the adequate treatment require the use of this medication, then it is necessary to decide in advance the issue of transferring the child to artificial feeding.

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For children

Studies of the use of the drug "Indinol Forte" in the treatment of children under 18 years have not been conducted, and therefore this treatment is contraindicated.

Drug Interactions

Instructions for use "Indinol Forte" saysthat before you start taking the drug, you need to determine the state of health and be sure to inform the doctor about other medications taken by the patient.

All drugs whose metabolism occurs with the participation of cytochrome isoenzymes R450, it is necessary to apply extremely carefully if treatment with the drug "Indinol Forte" is indicated. These are tools such as:

  • antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • indirect anticoagulants;
  • hypoglycemic agents (oral);
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • foxglove based drugs;
  • sex hormone drugs;
  • antiepileptic drugs.

Combined use of such drugs is likely to require a dose change or temporary withdrawal for medical reasons.

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Are there any similar drugs?

Один из эффективных, а потому часто назначаемых в the treatment of certain problems of women's health - the drug "Indinol Forte." Analogs must contain the same active substance or have a similar therapeutic effect. Such funds in the pharmacy network is. These are Indoprolone and Intrinol, in which indol carbinol is the active ingredient. For many patients who have been prescribed this drug, an interesting answer to the question: "Indinol" or "Indinol Forte" - which is better? The answer to this question is not complicated: these are two similar drugs, but Indinol is a biologically active food supplement that normalizes cell metabolism in the tissues of the female reproductive system. It is also available in capsules, which are taken one at a time once a day for 2-3 weeks.

There are other substances that have a similar effect.therapeutic effect, such as, for example, progesterone (Progesterone), which is part of the drug "Prozhestogel". Quite a lot of pharmacies based on medicinal plants that help in the treatment of diseases of the female genital and mammary glands in particular. These are Mastodinon, Cyclodenone, Epigallat and others. But in order to take any medicine, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and get a doctor's recommendation.

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Where to buy and how to store the drug?

And the drug "Indinol Forte", and its analoguessold in the pharmacy chain. The drug itself can only be obtained on prescription. For the drug "Indinol Forte," the price varies slightly depending on the pharmacy, but the average for a package of 60 capsules is 2500-2700 rubles.

Store this medicine at room temperature.temperature, avoiding exposure to sunlight. Its shelf life is 2 years from the date of issue; capsules cannot be taken after this time.

Patient Reviews

Price "Indinol Forte" is quite high, becauseThe course of treatment will be quite substantial. Therefore, before starting treatment, many women are interested in reviews of the remedy from those who have already used it. For the most part, these drug responses are positive. Women note that after the course of treatment, pain in the mammary glands caused by mastopathy and mastalgia is gone. Many praise the tool also for the fact that it helped to lose weight and did not cause any "side effects".

indinol forte instructions for use

Doctor's comments

Instructions for use "Indinol Forte" detailedand simple. Doctors base their responses on medication based on the results of treatment. And they are quite productive in the mass. Experts note that women have experienced positive dynamics in the treatment of certain health problems, very rarely there are minor side effects of the drug. Therefore, reviews of doctors about the drug are advisory in nature.

Basic information contains about medicinaldrug "Indinol Forte" instructions for use. But no matter how effective the tool and no matter how positive it may affect the health of women, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor!

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