/ / Means "Trigan D". Instructions for use

Means "Trigan D". Instructions for use

The drug "Trigan D", the price of which within a hundredhas an antispasmodic effect, provokes relaxation of smooth muscles. The active component, dicycloridine hydrochloride, has a relatively weak indiscriminate m-holin-blocking and direct spasmolytic myotropic effect. Therapeutic dosages do not cause side effects typical of atropine. Paracetamol, also present in the medication, has antipyretic, moderate anti-inflammatory effect. This component helps slow down biosynthesis in the prostaglandins of inflammatory, sensitive and thermoregulatory modulators. The complex composition of "Trigan D" provides relaxation in spasmodic muscles of internal organs and a decrease in the intensity of pain sensations. The medicine is absorbed from the digestive tract well. About 80% out of the body with urine, a small amount is transported through the intestine.

Trygan composition

The drug "Trigan D". Instructions. Indications

The drug is prescribed for algodismenorrhea,colic in the intestine, kidney and liver, myalgia. Indications include spasms of smooth muscles in the internal organs, neuralgia. The medication is recommended for infectious inflammatory diseases, complicated by a feverish condition.

Means "Trigan D". Instructions for use

Trigan price

Tablets are taken orally.Patients with fifteen years are recommended to 1pc twice or thrice a day. For one application, no more than two tablets are allowed, a day - no more than four. Duration of therapy without medical consultation - five days for the removal of pain, three days - as an antipyretic. Against the backdrop of prolonged treatment, regular monitoring of peripheral blood parameters and functional liver activity is necessary. The solution "Trigan D" the instruction recommends to enter intramuscularly. Dosage - 20 mg once. If necessary, re-enter the drug should be able to withstand the interval between injections in four to six hours.

Side effects

trigan d instructions

On the basis of treatment, there may be a rash on the skin,constipation, decreased appetite, dry mouth. The drug can provoke soreness in the epigastrium, a loss of taste sensitivity, and angioedema. To the negative consequences of taking the medicine "Trigan D" the instruction also includes orientation disorders, multiform exudative erythema, psychomotor agitation or drowsiness. The drug causes papillary necrosis, hypoglycemia (before hypoglycemic coma), urinary retention, changes in intraocular pressure, visual impairment, epidermal toxic necrolysis, anemia. In rare cases, there is a decrease in potency.


Do not prescribe medication for reflux esophagitis,hypersensitivity, pathologies in the intestines of an obstructive nature, at the age of up to fifteen years. Contraindications include ulcerative lesions in the stage of exacerbation, pregnancy and lactation. Caution is shown in the presence of liver or kidney dysfunction.

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