/ / Popular tablets from thrush in women

Popular tablets from thrush in women

Thrush is a fungal disease. It affects the mucous membranes and the skin. The causative agent of infection is the fungus of the genus Candida.

Treatment of candidiasis

Most often, thrush occurs in women.Fungus affects the mucous membranes of the genitals. Pathology is accompanied by irritation, itching, burning, discharge from the vagina. At the first manifestations of candidiasis should immediately visit a doctor. At an early address to a specialist, therapy, as a rule, takes a short time. Today there are quite a lot of drugs from candidiasis.

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They are produced in different dosage forms.The most popular and effective medicines for local intravaginal application are: suppositories, ointments, tablets from thrush. Medications have different costs, depending on what active substance is present in the composition.

Cheap tablets from thrush

A fairly popular remedy for candidiasisis the drug "Nystatin." The drug is available in the form of suppositories and ointments for intravaginal administration. For ingestion, tablets and tablets are produced.

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From thrush this drug helps enoughfast. Medication is especially effective in the early stages of candidiasis. Another cheap drug is the drug Fluconazole. The active substance of the medicament has a specific effect. The component slows the activity of fungal enzymes. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of systemic candidiasis. A solution for injections, capsules and tablets is produced.

From thrush prescribed drugClotrimazole. This tool refers to affordable. The drug has a wide range of antifungal activity. The medicine effectively eliminates the symptoms of pathology, accelerates recovery. To relatively cheap means include the drug "Clion". Active component in it is metronidazole - a synthetic compound. The drug has antimicrobial and antifungal activity. All of the above drugs can be purchased at pharmacies, their cost is within a hundred rubles.

Other medicines for thrush

Tablets "Flucostat", the price of which - about 200have a strong antifungal effect. Their activity is aimed at suppressing vital activity in the cells of the pathogen. A medication can be prescribed for both prophylaxis and treatment. The active component of the drug is fluconazole.

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Another fairly effective, but relativelyexpensive drug is the agent "Terzhinan". This complex drug, which includes nystatin, neomycin, ternidazole, prednisolone. It has antimicrobial, antifungal effects, exhibits anti-inflammatory and antiprotozoal effect. Its cost in pharmacies is also within 200 rubles.

The minimum number of side effectshigh therapeutic effectiveness is noted in the medicine "Livarol". In its composition, ketoconazole is present as an active ingredient. This remedy does not have a tablet form. The preparation is issued in the form of suppositories.

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