/ / "Panzinorm": analogues, reviews. The best replacement for "Panzinormu"

"Panzinorm": analogues, reviews. The best replacement for "Panzinormu"

Digestive system in the human body -it is a complex mechanism of processing consumed food products for microparticles, which are absorbed into the blood and saturate the cells of the whole body with the necessary mineral and vitamin substances. They, in turn, participate not only in the growth and development of cells of various vital organs, but also give energy to the whole body. Therefore, it is quite obvious why it is so important in the presence of problems with digestion of food to come to the aid of your body. In the arsenal of doctors there are a lot of different medicines intended for treatment and maintenance of digestive processes. Among them, the so-called enzyme preparations, such as Penzinorm tablets, do not last. Analogs of this medication, instructions for use, and reviews will be discussed in this article.

panzinorm analogues

Destination of the drug "Panzinorm"

In the instructions for the use of these tablets, clear instructions are given, under what conditions should such a therapy be carried out. Specialists identify two main reasons:

  1. Insufficiency of the secretory function of the pancreas.
  2. Disturbance in the assimilation of food.

Such conditions are explained by a number of pathologies:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • dyspepsia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • flatulence;
  • Remkheld's syndrome;
  • pancreatectomy;
  • intestinal infections;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and bile ducts;
  • state after resection of the small intestine and stomach.

Composition and action of enzyme drugs

Such drugs as "Festal", "Creon", ""Panzinorm", "Pancreatin" and "Mezim", are complex enzyme means. The peculiarity of Panzinorm is that the main ingredients have special shells:

  • under the first, soluble layer are amino acids and extract of the gastric mucosa, which stimulate the production of its own secret;
  • under the second acid-resistant shell contains pancreatin and bile extract, which are released in the duodenum and help the body absorb fat, proteins and carbohydrates.

Thus, the medicine "Panzinorm", reviews aboutwhich are so good, has not only a substitute but also a stimulating effect. Active components of bile and pancreas are included in all enzyme preparations. This course of therapy improves the functional state of the entire gastrointestinal tract and normalizes digestion in general.

panzinorm reviews

It is worth noting that a stronger action will bethe drug "Pansinorm Forte 20000" (analogues to it - the drug "Macrozim Forte" and "Festal"). These agents are characterized by a higher activity of the main components of the drug, which are released directly into the intestine.

Indications for use

The drug "Penzinorm", analogues of which are easyfound in any pharmacy, can be consumed throughout the course of therapy or taken as an ambulance. Enzyme preparations can be prescribed in the following cases:

  • As a replacement therapy forinsufficient production of own enzymes of the pancreas, intestines, liver, stomach and gall bladder. As well as with chronic diseases of these organs and in old age.
  • As a maintenance therapy for better digestion of food during normal gastrointestinal function and malnutrition. When you use sharp, fatty foods and overeating.
  • As a preparatory therapy before radiographic examinations of the abdominal cavity.
  • The drug can be taken once as an ambulance for overeating or heaviness in the stomach after taking heavy food.

panzinorm forte instruction

Methods of taking the drug "Pansinorm"

How to drink tablets "Panzinorm" and "Pansinorm Fort"? Instructions for use include the following recommendations regarding dosage and frequency of use.

Пьют таблетки и капсулы во время еды или легкого snacking, swallowing whole medicine. Chewing is strictly forbidden, since the agent has special shells that promote the release of active ingredients directly in the stomach and intestines.

Capsules "Panzinorm 10000" for adults appoint 2 pieces three times a day during the main meal and 1 capsule during a snack. The maximum amount is 15 pieces per day.

Children who have reached the age of three are advised to take the medicine in the same amount as adults.

The duration of therapy can vary from a single dose to several months, depending on the patient’s condition and the diagnosis.

Tablets "Panzinorm Forte" (reviews say abouta positive result of the reception) is prescribed in the same dosage, but it should be remembered that they are more active, therefore, to resort to their help is necessary only in cases when an increase in the number of enzymes is required.

Forms of release of the drug "Panzinorm" and analogues

The medicine "Panzinorm" is produced in tablets of 20,000 IU of Ph.Eur and capsules of 10,000 IU of Ph.Eur, hence the digital meaning in the name of the drug.

The capsules consist of a hard gelatin opaque body and a white lid with beige-brown pallets inside.

panzinorm forte reviews

Tablets have a round biconvex shape and white or light gray color.

Capsules "Panzinorm 10000" can be replaced with tablets "Kreon 10000". The composition and action of these drugs are almost identical, and therefore interchangeable.

What to replace the "Panzinorm 20000"?Instructions for use for these tablets states that they contain 20,000 IU Ph.Eur, and therefore you need to select the appropriate dosage of lipase in the enzyme composition or drink two tablets of Mezim, Pancreatin or Festal. A worthy analogue can also be considered a tool "Makrasim 10,000." Also, as a replacement, you can choose drugs marked "Forte", in which the main components have a higher activity.

Analog: Kreon capsulars

The drug "CREON" will make a worthy replacement.drug "Panzinorm". Analogs of this class are complex enzyme preparations that have a larger list of active components, similar to the own secret of the stomach and intestines. Capsules are released with a dosage of 10,000, 25,000, 40,000 IU Ph.Eur.

The total single dose is set by the attending physician.individually based on the general condition of the patient and the diagnosis. Experts recommend 1/2 or 1/3 of the total dosage to take before meals, and the rest - during (for better results). Capsules "CREON" can be used for the treatment of adults and children.

Creon Panzinorm

Analog: tablets "Pancreatin"

These pills are one of the cheapest.substitute drugs "Panzinorm". Analogs of this kind are not always the best option, since a significant part of the substance is already dissolved in the stomach, and the concentration of active ingredients in the Pancreatin tablets is already lower than in the Panzinorm capsules. In addition, the list of enzymes in the composition is much smaller, and therefore the Pancreatin tablets simply cannot compete with a richer and more effective composition.

Usually adults take "Pancreatin" 2-3 tablets, without chewing, during the meal. For children, the doctor sets the dosage individually.

Panzinorm 20,000 instructions for use

Analog: Mezim Forte tablets

The drug "Mezim Forte", liketablets "Pancreatin", refers to inexpensive analogues. This is an excellent tool to relieve bloating, heaviness in the stomach with improper digestion and overeating. However, for the treatment of more serious diseases, the doctor is unlikely to prescribe this medicine. Its use is more suitable for a single use as an ambulance.

The following recommended doses are described in the instructions for this medicine:

  • for adults, 1-2 tablets before meals and 1-4 tablets during meals;
  • children dosage is selected individually.
    Panzinorm Forte 20000 analogues

Reviews of enzyme preparations

С проблемами пищеварения сталкивался каждый an adult, and every second child was diagnosed with various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a huge number of people of different ages resorted to the use of enzyme preparations, such as tablets "Mezim" or "Panzinorm". Patient reviews confirm the positive effect of replacement or maintenance therapy.

Doctors also note improvements in performance.pancreas immediately after the start of treatment, because enzyme drugs are designed not only to help digest food, but also to restore the production of its own secret of the stomach and intestines.

Many parents give a positive rating.“Panzinorm” and “Creon”, prescribed as maintenance therapy in the period of increase in acetone in children, when the digestive system works especially poorly.

Side effects and contraindications

Like all drugs, enzyme drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects. The drug is not prescribed in the following conditions:

  • porcine protein intolerance;
  • individual sensitivity to some components;
  • acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic;
  • children under 15 years old with a diagnosis of

As a rule, the drugs "Panzinorm", "Panzinorm Forte", the analogues of these drugs do not cause any undesirable consequences, however, the cases of side effects were recorded:

  • with intolerance to individual components, allergic reactions may occur;
  • large doses of the drug can cause even greater gastrointestinal disorders.

With extreme caution, the drug should be prescribed to patients with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.

Overdose and special instructions

Usually, enzyme overdosedrugs does not cause systemic intoxication. Not an exception and the drug "Panzinorm 10,000." Analogues of this medication can also cause only minor discomfort with the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • perianal irritation;
  • hyperuricuria and hyperuricemia.

With such manifestations should immediately seek medical help. Specialists in this case carry out symptomatic treatment, hydration and, naturally, cancel the medicine.

Enzymes should be taken with caution when carrying and feeding a baby.

In order for the drug "Panzinorm" (analogs inincluding) retained its medicinal properties throughout its shelf life, for its storage it is necessary to ensure the necessary conditions: air temperature is not higher than 25 degrees, dry room and lack of sunlight.

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