Everyone can remember the feeling when the earhas put in pawn and rings in a head. Pleasant little, even if the feeling quickly passes. It is much worse if it proves to be quite long. The reasons for this phenomenon can be many. The answer to the question of what to do, if the ear lays, depends precisely on the specific reasons. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider each separately, in order to understand the necessary actions in each case.
The cause of discomfort is water, whichfalls into the Eustachian tube. Trying to get wet with a cotton swab or a tampon is absolutely not worth it. Just try to lie down on the side, on the side of which the injured ear is, so that the water will flow out. Pull back the urine slightly and swallow. If the water is in the middle ear and causes pain, drip anti-inflammatory ear drops. They often have an analgesic effect, so very soon your condition will change for the better.
Ears often pawns when climbing or descending fromhigh altitude. No less often it happens that after the flight in the plane, an ear was laid. Than to treat, and whether it is necessary to treat such status? The cause of discomfort is the deterioration of sound in the middle ear cavity, the pressure in which differs from the pressure around the person. Take any special measures to anything. Improvement of audibility can be simply helped by repeating several times the swallowing movements that will open the lumen of the Eustachian tube.
As a rule, sulfuric cork does not cause pain, butsimply leads to a decrease in hearing and a sense of congestion. Most often it appears only in one ear. Its occurrence can be caused by various individual features of the structure of the auditory canal or in violation of hygiene. Do not deep clean the auditory passages with cotton swabs, this provokes a buildup of sulfur. For treatment, the ear needs to be washed with furacilin, sometimes it may be necessary to use anti-inflammatory drops for prevention.