Scattered scoliosis, being enougha common disease of the musculoskeletal system, is a change in the position of the column of the spine, namely its inclination exceeding ten degrees from its normal location. If the angle of inclination does not exceed ten degrees, then we can talk about the permissible physiological deflection. In the norm of physiological curvature of the spine there are three: lordosis in the lumbar and cervical divisions, kyphosis in the sacral and thoracic areas. All other bends or displacements of the spine and there is scattered scoliosis.
This disease develops as a result of thisconstant deviation, in connection with which the load is redistributed into ligaments and muscles, which subsequently change. So, the first changes the muscles: on the one hand they are strained, on the other side of the spine - stretched. After a time, the pressure on the muscles only increases, this leads to squeezing and displacement of the vertebrae, causing their deformation - bends in the opposite direction. Thus, diffuse scoliosis develops.
Most often it occurs during a period of intensethe growth of the osseous system and the motor apparatus (school age), and to a greater extent in girls, at a more mature age, this disease appears as a result of age-related changes in the structure of the spine.
Spinal curvature less than thirtydegrees usually stops in development at the time of the complete formation of the bone system. In the case of more severe curvature, this process will continue to develop and in a more mature age.
It should be noted that scoliosis is of two types:
1. Congenital. It is caused by an abnormal development of the vertebrae and a change in their number in a certain department of the spine.
2. Acquired. Develops as a result of injuries, surgeries or muscle diseases.
Scattered scoliosis symptoms is as follows:asymmetry of shoulder blades, waist and shoulders, which is revealed during visual examination, stoop, visible curvature of the spine in an upright position. In the process of its development, it is possible to observe changes in various structures of the spine. So, quite often there is a torsion, disruption of the structure of the disks and ligaments, the position of the ribs changes, the thorax deforms. All this can lead to violations of the functions of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the spinal cord and various parts of the motor apparatus, as well as the appearance of osteochondrosis.
It should be pointed out that highly developed scoliosissymptoms expresses the appearance of pain in the back and difficulty breathing. However, usually this disease is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations.
In most cases, scoliosis is diagnosed whenvisual inspection, as quite often patients get to the reception at a time when changes in the spine are visible to the naked eye. Another method of diagnosis is X-ray and MRI, usually they are used to find the angle and degree of deformation of the vertebrae.
Scattered scoliosis is treated in two ways.So, the conservative approach suggests the use of therapeutic gymnastics, swimming classes, massages, manual and physiotherapy. At a bend of a backbone more than on forty degrees the surgical intervention is used. However, 90% of patients manage to stop the development of the disease after using a conservative method of treatment.
Thus, scoliosis, developing during the periodformation and growth of bones, usually proceeds in an easy form and does not require surgical methods of treatment. Compliance with the recommendations of the doctor contributes to the rapid cure and recovery of the functions of the musculoskeletal system.