Urticaria - a disease in which the skinred inflammations and blisters appear that cause itching and burning. For recovery is of great importance is a diet with urticaria. The menu of a sick person should exclude all products that cause an allergic reaction. Only proper nutrition, along with the intake of medicines prescribed by a doctor, can ensure the speediest deliverance from unpleasant symptoms. Diet for urticaria should contain only hypoallergenic products, but at the same time to ensure the balance of substances necessary for the body.
A list of what should not be at the urticaria,contains primarily allergens to which the body reacts. Products that cause an allergic reaction are divided into groups depending on the degree of risk.
First of all, a diet with urticaria should exclude consumption:
The second group of products includes lessallergenic food, but requires some caution in the use. Such products include potatoes, green pepper, peaches, corn, fatty meats.
Diet for urticaria in children more stringent thanin case of illness of an adult, as the child’s immunity is weaker and prone to an allergic reaction. The set of prohibited foods depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the baby. After recovery a few more weeks should exclude products that can cause allergies.
Diet for urticaria in children consists of porridge,green vegetables, boiled or steamed. Many nutritionists are allowed to prepare compote from dried fruits. But first they must be carefully soaked and remember that dried apricots and raisins can cause an allergic reaction.
Fermented milk products with low fat content and without artificial additives are allowed. Boiled lean meat is also included in the menu of a sick child.
If the symptoms of urticaria appeared in the baby while breastfeeding, then it is necessary to exclude allergenic products from the mother's diet.
The list of permitted products for urticaria foradults and children are almost the same. The diet for hives in adults consists of boiled lean meat, porridge cooked in water, and stewed vegetables, not included in the number of prohibited. Milk can not be added to food, but it is allowed to include kefir and other dairy products in the diet. Many nutritionists attribute fish to prohibited foods with urticaria, but, according to others, low-fat varieties can be eaten.
It is allowed to drink juices, but only homemade from permissible fruits and vegetables.
Instead of bread, it is better to buy diet breads or biscuits.
During illness, it is recommended to drink as much pure, non-carbonated water as possible, and to give up strong tea.
Some doctors in the acute phase of the diseaserecommend generally to refuse food within several days. But prolonged fasting while taking medication in parallel, which cannot be taken on an empty stomach, can lead to negative health consequences.
When urticaria is healthy,use foods rich in antioxidants (berries, green tea). Whole grain breads and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice) due to the high content of B vitamins are also better to add to the diet.
For a successful recovery in the menu you need to include food rich in zinc. These products include celery, dates, asparagus, beef, sesame seeds.
Foods - sources of omega-3 fatty acids - moreone element of the system of useful nutrition in the urticaria. Sea fish, flax seeds, soybeans are products that not only contain Omega-3, but also many other substances important for the healthy functioning of the body, they will be useful for the patient.
Since the urticaria can contribute tothe lack of magnesium in the body, then the menu is useful to add brown rice, avocado, beans and lentils. These products are sources of magnesium and help the body cope with the infection.
Foods high in vitamin C will increaseThe body's resistance to infection and help to quickly deal with urticaria. Especially in large quantities, this vitamin is found in dark green vegetables.
Composing a menu for a sick urticaria,You must first identify the allergen. To do this, a sick person can try to eat a certain product on an empty stomach in the morning and follow the reaction of the body. If within a few hours did not appear allergic rashes, then the product can be added to the diet.
When planning a menu, you need to consider the needorganism in microelements and vitamins, while excluding prohibited foods. Also, the diet depends on the stage of the disease, with acute urticaria nutrition is limited to several types of products that do not cause an allergic reaction.
Для составления меню можно воспользоваться developed by dietitians diet for every day. An example of such a system of medical nutrition is table number 5. Diet contributes to the recovery of the body in violation of the functioning of internal organs and restores the body.
During the entire period of the disease, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and coordinate with him a hypoallergenic menu, especially in the case of urticaria in a child.
Table number 5 - a diet developed by the Sovietnutritionist, aimed at treating the body for diseases of the stomach, liver, biliary tract. The main purpose of the diet is to create a full-fledged diet, allowing you not to overload the internal organs and restore their healthy functioning.
Основу рациона составляют овощные супы, boiled cereals, beef meat (lean), baby turkey and chicken. Therefore, the diet will be useful to follow and at the urticaria, eliminating some possible allergens. All products are steamed or boiled. Food that makes up such a diet is easily digested and has a beneficial effect on the body's work.
The urticaria diet should be based on food,steamed or boiled. Before cooking, the grits must be soaked for 12-16 hours. Meat before eating is better to boil twice.
With chronic urticaria it is more convenient to startfood diary for fixing the name and quantity of all consumed products. Keeping such a diary helps to identify allergenic products and gradually introduce new products that do not cause an allergic reaction.
During the acute phase of the disease it is better to refusefrom eating during the day and drink only non-carbonated water. In the future, with the onset of relief, it is recommended that a menu of light vegetable soups and porridges be made for a while.
Reception of a complex of vitamins during the period of an illness is possible only in coordination with the doctor.
After recovery, it is worthwhile to stick to the old diet for some time and introduce new products into the menu very carefully in order to avoid recurrence of the disease.
A strict diet is not required, but any contact, even mechanical, with the allergen product should be avoided. It should beware of any additives and dyes, choosing only natural products.
In the future, it is necessary to inform the doctors about the urticaria transferred, since some medications can cause the recurrence of the disease.
When using cosmetics it is better to choose hypoallergenic. Also, if possible, limit contact with household chemicals or use natural cleaners.