Unfortunately, many people are familiar with thisa problem like acne, and know how difficult it is to get rid of them. Only one disappears, another appears immediately. But there is a drug that can break this vicious circle, and also solve some other problems with the skin. This drug is called "Yam" ointment. The composition of this drug is: salicylic acid, magnesium oxide or zinc, tar, sulfur, lanolin, lysol, petrolatum and turpentine.
Pharmacological effects are medicatedthe agent has the following: it actively acts against pathogens of scabies, trichophytosis, and also demodex mites, effectively with dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, since the components of its composition are characterized by both fungicidal and acaricidal properties.
In addition, they also have antacid, keratolytic, antiseptic and astringent properties, which, in turn, significantly accelerates recovery.
But the sensitizing and irritating effect of the drug does not have any on the sick or on the healthy surrounding skin, due to its low toxicity.
Medication "Yam" - ointment, instructions forthe use of which describes it as a homogeneous paste-like grayish-brown mass with a specific odor. This drug is packed in glass or plastic jars.
The drug "Yam" (ointment) instructions for userecommends applying as follows: immediately before the application of the ointment, it must be thoroughly mixed, since during the storage the constituent components can separate. After this procedure, it is applied in a thin layer, lubricating not only the inflamed area, but also surrounding its healthy skin by two to four centimeters. Next, you need to rub the drug lightly. This procedure should be repeated twice a day, until the crust disappears.
Medication "Yam" - ointment, instructions forthe use of which guarantees a positive result from its application, in most cases, after five days. But if recovery did not come, then you need to continue the therapeutic course to seven or ten days. In the event that the fight is against demodecosis or eczema, it is necessary to undergo a follow-up examination.
Side effects, with the correct use of this drug, are not fixed.
The drug "Yam" - ointment, the instruction for the use of which relates to contraindications for its purpose only hypersensitivity to individual components of this medication.
Keep this drug is necessaryin a dark room with a temperature interval from zero to thirty degrees Celsius for not more than one year. A jar with this medicine is recommended to keep tightly closed
Before using this ointment, you should carefully read the instructions for its use.
People who applied the ointment "Yam", reviews leave inmostly positive. Visitors to various cosmetology forums are delighted with the action of this medication, namely how quickly the skin heals, the duration of the effect and ease of use. And people do not even bother with the fact that this ointment, in fact, is a veterinary drug. In the reviews, it is generally recommended to apply the "Yam" ointment according to this scheme: apply as usual a cosmetic mask, starting from fifteen minutes a day, gradually bringing the time interval to one hour, adding five minutes a day. Duration of treatment is one month. Remove the mask is recommended with a cotton swab dipped in sunflower oil, followed by washing with soap or any face cleanser.