Most people today suffer from increasedpressure. However, a reduced one can also lead to a lot of problems. At this point, to our regret, there are no drugs that can provide a completely safe increase in pressure to the desired state. All such medicines have some side effects, and they can not be consumed constantly for too long. But if you are sure that your weakness, nausea, etc. are caused by this, then you can resort to alternative medicine.
So than to increase the pressure in the homethe best thing? Before talking about special methods, let us recall some conditions necessary for good health. First of all, it's fresh air. Useful walks at any time and in any weather. You also need to think about the physical exertion for you. It is necessary to avoid stuffy and hot rooms. A person with such ailment must necessarily sleep, use a contrast shower. Also, thinking about how to increase the pressure at home, do not forget about the need to drink plenty of fluids.
One of the main tools providinggood condition of our body, is proper nutrition. There are often, but in small portions. Dishes to choose are those that are easily absorbed by the body. It is useful to eat vegetables. But avoid garlic, it lowers the pressure. And also eat more salted.
If you want to solve this problem with yourhealth, resorting to alternative medicine, then you can use massage. Better start it with your fingers. Then go from neck and head to chest, then to stomach. Massage before you get out of bed.
How to increase the pressure at home in traditional medicine? Here are a few recipes:
There is an opinion that cognac increases blood pressure.But it is impossible to say that this is so. Everything depends only on the taken dose of this drink. Initially, the effect is similar to the effect of any alcohol on our body - it dilates the blood vessels. This only leads to a greater decrease in pressure. But after taking an impressive dose of cognac, the vessels are already narrowing. And this now leads to increased pressure. Cognac - it's still not a cure, but alcohol, and it was created not to be treated, but to have fun.
Also, honey increases blood pressure. Some varieties of it, for example buckwheat, eucalyptus and chestnut, are a good remedy for hypotension.
A lot of ways to combat this ailment have been listed in our article. Than to raise pressure in house conditions personally to you, solve. The main thing is, support and take care of your health.