Throughout life, the musculoskeletal system of a person undergoes multiple loads, endures injuries, which eventually leads to the appearance of chronic diseases.

Malnutrition, poor immunity, frequentdiseases, violation of metabolic processes in the body contribute to rapid wear and weakening of the protective functions of our skeleton. Special attention is always paid to the spine. In addition to maintaining the position of the body and internal organs in the correct position, the cavity of the spinal canal is the receptacle of the spinal cord. Through the intervertebral foramen pass the nerve fibers that connect the individual parts of the body into a single and integral mechanism. Pathologies of the spine departments provoke the squeezing or jamming of the nerves. Exceptions are not a pinch of the sciatic nerve, the symptoms and treatment of which require special study.
Compression (compression) of vertebrate nervesrootlets called radiculopathy. Allocate various forms of the disease, depending on the location of pinch. Problems in the lumbosacral area associated with squeezing the sciatic nerve are called sciatica. Compression, accompanied by an inflammatory process, is called radiculitis.
When pinching of the sciatic nerve occurs, the symptoms and treatment are strictly individual. But first of all it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of the disease.
Injury of the sciatic nerve. Causes

The cause of nerve compression is the decrease in the intervertebral distance. A similar phenomenon occurs when:
- excess body weight, when the load on the lumbar region is increased;
- chronic osteochondrosis, which leads to dystrophy of intervertebral discs.
Compression also occurs in diabetes mellitus,displacement of vertebrae, injuries, spasms in muscles, hypothermia of the body. During spasmodic processes in muscles, in addition to nerves, blood vessels are squeezed, which contributes to worsening of blood circulation and the appearance of complications. Therefore, after detecting the pinch of the sciatic nerve, the symptoms and treatment are carefully analyzed, taking into account all the subtleties of the course of the disease.
- Painful sensations, passing from the waist to the buttocks, thigh, lower leg, heel.
- Restrictions in movements: it is difficult to stand, lean, sit.
- Chills, numbness, tingling or burning sensation of certain parts of the body.
- During the motor activity, painful sensations increase, in a state of rest, they become weaker.
How to cure a pinch of the sciatic nerve
There are several ways to get rid of pinches:
- Measures for the normalization of weight (if necessary).
- Acupuncture sessions.
- Elimination of the intervertebral hernia, vertebrae or discs.
- Medicamentous treatment and a complex of phytotherapy.
- Special gymnastics.
- In some cases, surgical intervention.
In the event that it is complicated or intensifiedpinch of the sciatic nerve, symptoms and treatment are also subject to change, because severe forms of compression can lead to paralysis, paresis of the limbs.