/ / "Trivit" (for animals: properties, indications for use, instructions, owners reviews

"Trivit" (for animals: properties, indications for use, instructions, owner's reviews

All animals, including our pets,for normal development, well-being vitamins are necessary. Today, veterinarians have a large selection of such drugs. Today we will introduce one of them to you - "Trivit" (for animals). This complex vitamin preparation will help maintain your pet in great shape.

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"Trivit": instructions for use (for animals)

This preparation is obtained by dissolving vitamins - retinol (synthetic) palmitate or acetate and cholecalciferol in oil. 1 ml of the preparation contains:

  • vitamin A - 30 000 IU;
  • vitamin D3 - 40,000 IU;
  • vitamin E - 20 mg;
  • vegetable oil.

"Trivit" is a transparent, oily liquid.Can have a light yellow or light brown color, with a characteristic for vegetable oil odor. Vitamins "Trivit" (for animals) are released as injectable solutions, in 100 ml glass bottles, and solution for oral administration (30 ml).

Vitamin A, which is part of the drug, accelerates the growth of the animal, strengthens the body's resistance and protective functions of the skin, promotes its regeneration, favorably affects sex hormones.

trivit instructions for use in animals

Vitamin E has anti-sterile properties. Lack of it inhibits growth, regenerates muscle tissue and liver, affects the central nervous system, disrupts the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

Vitamin D3 normalizes the mineral metabolism. At its or his shortage there are attributes of an osteomalacia, a rickets, tetanic spasms, allotriophagy.

"Trivit" (instructions for use for animalsis attached to each package) is designed to provide biosynthesis of nucleic acids, nucleotides, lipoproteins and proteins. It normalizes hormone-forming and oxidation-reduction processes, and also has a beneficial effect on the reproduction function of the offspring.


"Trivit" (for animals) is a combineda drug in which vitamins D3, E and A are matched in physiologically harmonious proportions. "Trivit" has an impact on the animal's organism, which is expressed in increasing resistance to infectious diseases, stimulating the growth of young animals, and increasing the fertility of animals. It is a preventive agent for hypo- and avitaminosis.


"Trivit" is recommended for use with:

  • beriberi;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • restoration of the general condition after illness;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • rachitis;
  • osteomalacia;
  • xerophthalmia;
  • Fertility disorders (functional);
  • during lactation;
  • during pregnancy.
     animal thrill instruction

Mode of application

The solution (oil) for internal use is mixed with the food. The drug for injection is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously.


To dogs for internal reception appoint or nominate on 2 drops, to cats on 1 drop - 1 time in seven days during two months.

For injections, "Trivit" dogs are prescribed 1 ml, cats not more than 0.2 ml - once every seven days. The course of treatment is thirty days.


Individual intolerance of individual components of the drug is possible. In this case, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Side effects

When using the drug according to the instructions of side effects is not fixed.

special instructions

Use "Trivit" (for animals) with strict adherence to personal hygiene.

There are no analogues to the preparation.

The price of the bottle is 100 ml 122 rubles.

 vitamins for animals [

Use in veterinary medicine

Complex preparation "Trivit" (for animals)found widespread among the breeders and veterinarians. This is explained by the ability of this tool to effectively fill the missing amount of animal compounds necessary for the body and provide it with a healthy and active life.

Thanks to the content of the drugvitamins A, D3 and E, each owner, after consulting with a veterinarian, can adjust the nutrition of his own pet and thereby significantly improve the immunity of the animal. In addition, "Trivit" (for animals) is effective as a preventive measure against rickets - both in adults and offspring.

The use of "Trivita" guarantees improvementquality of wool - it becomes dense and shiny. Animals improve their vision, the functioning of the reproductive system is normalized, and a healthy and strong musculoskeletal system is provided.

 animal-friendly reviews

When do they designate "Trivit" for animals?The instruction on the application says that the veterinarian appoints this medication. He also determines the dosage, based on the body weight, age and health status of the four-legged patient. It is important to ensure that the animal has completely eaten the medicinal product if it is added to the feed.

"Trivit" (for animals): reviews

This drug has proved itself well.He receives many reviews from the owners of animals. Most of them highly appreciate its effect on the organism of their pets. According to the owners of "Trivit" increases the resistance of the body, reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease in animals of old age, strengthens immunity in young animals.

Many people say that after taking vitamins"Trivit" animals are less likely to have infectious and cold diseases. Some owners note that sometimes the remedy causes, even after a single dose, an itch, a rash, red spots on the skin. This is due to the individual intolerance, which is described in the instructions for use.

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