/ / Vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy: reviews

Vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy: reviews

To support normal life activitiesthe body needs a constant supply of minerals and vitamins. He himself does not have the opportunity to produce them, so he must come with food or as a special supplement. In particular, this applies to people who have constant physical activity or are engaged in professional sports. Their need for a daily dose of nutrients increases, so it is necessary to take certain complexes.

A complex of vitamins for athletes from the pharmacy

vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy

The rapid rhythm of modern life deprives athletestime for the preparation of a healthy and rational food, which will ensure the optimal protein metabolism and metabolic processes. From ordinary food you can get only half of the necessary amount of necessary substances, so complexes and vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy are in high demand.

The most important vitamins for athletes are the vitamins of group B and C. Let's consider their action separately.

Ascorbic acid

Complex where vitamin C is the mainingredient, is simply necessary in the life of an athlete. It is an antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals that can cause cancer and changes in genes. In addition, vitamin C is involved in the metabolic process, with the help of which collagen is produced (protein for elasticity, skin elasticity). Assimilation of iron and testosterone production, tissue growth, regulation of carbohydrate metabolism is also the work of ascorbic acid. To restore the loss of the vitamin after a grueling workout can be, taking vitamins for athletes. In the pharmacy they are sold under the names "Undevit", "Ascorbic acid", etc.

Vitamins of group B

what vitamins for athletes children

These are multivitamins of vital importance, especially for vitamins B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine). The athlete should consume them in large quantities, as during the training increases the metabolism of proteins. Besides, in1, as coenzyme, takes part in the process of carbohydrate metabolism, and here B6 participates in the exchange process of amino acids and proteins.

Important is the vitamin B3 (niacin).With its help, muscle fibers are nourished during exercise. Niacin gives the athlete energy and positively affects sports results with increased amounts in the body.

What vitamins are better for athletes?

vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy reviews

Overwork is a dangerous syndrome that providesa negative impact on the work of the whole body, so manufacturers make substances that help cope with it and withstand emotional stress. Vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy are sold for every taste. And the price for them, too, is different. If we are talking about domestic pharmacology, then we can consider such drugs:

· "Complivit Active". This is a balanced complex of such 21 useful components as A, E, B1, AT2, AT5, AT6, AT9, AT12, C, D, PP, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, sec etc.

· "Alphabet Effect".The complex includes tablets of different colors. Each of them includes its own complex of vitamins and minerals. "Alphabet Effect" promotes increased endurance, rapid recovery of the body after training (less pronounced muscle tissue), and also allows you to quickly achieve the desired results in a short time.

· Undevit. It consists of 11 vitamins (A, E, C, group B, PP, etc.) that improve metabolic processes and general condition.

· "Hexavit". The use of this drug promotes the activation of synthesis processes in cells. Effective in prophylactic purposes at high physical exertion.

The last two drugs are not effectiveyield to the first two, but their price is several times lower. Also vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy are represented by foreign companies, for example, Vitrum Performance. In the composition of 20 minerals and vitamins.

Adolescents are athletes. What kind of vitamins do they need?

vitamins for athletes adolescents

Teenagers are children aged 12 to 16years. During this period the young organism is formed and ripens, experiencing increased physical and mental loads. The beginning of the adolescent period can be observed after a sharp jump in growth, to which the body does not always have time to adapt. If you do not take measures, the pathologies of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system are secured. Therefore, special vitamins are necessary for teenagers (complexes), which contain such substances:

  • Vitamin A - to strengthen immunity and bone growth.
  • Vitamins of group В: В1, В2, В6, В12. Preserve the body from stress and ensure the normal operation of the central nervous system.
  • Vitamin C - promotes the rapid recovery of muscles after training, improves appetite.
  • Vitamin E - removes free radicals and toxins from the body, thereby protecting the adolescent from stress and illness.
  • Vitamin D3 - helps to assimilate phosphorus and calcium.

In order to choose a vitamin complex for a teenager, one should be guided by such criteria:

  • The necessary combination of vitamins for every teenage age in the right doses.
  • The course of treatment and the number of doses per day.
  • The form of reception, convenient, first of all to the teenager.

Important! Vitamins should be taken only after eating, otherwise their effect will not be effective.

Vitamins for athletes-children

vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy photo

Young sports fans need to replenishspent on training energy with a special diet, supplements in the form of vitamins and minerals. So what vitamins for athletes-children are needed? Vitamin complexes are developed depending on what purpose the young sportsman pursues, for example:

  • For muscle growth - thiamin, vitamin A, orotic acid. These substances help the cells to grow rapidly and synthesize the protein.
  • To increase the tone - vitamins B3, AT7, E, C, folic acid. Such a complex will position the muscles to full nutrition at the time of training, remove free radicals from the body, improve the process of amino acid metabolism.
  • For the prevention of injuries - vitamins C, D, K.These substances are involved in the formation of connective tissue, calcium and phosphorus are well absorbed. Vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy (photo above) are realized in different forms. For children, chewable tablets, colorful bears with pleasant taste are produced.
  • To restore the body after training - vitamins E, C, B4. - restore cell membranes and remove free radicals.

Reviews about vitamins for athletes

what vitamins for athletes are better

According to the reviews, they proved themselves well"Alphabet Effect", "Complivit Active". The classical complex makes it easier to carry physical loads, and the price does not bite at all. Also popular is Animal Pak. It practically replaces sports nutrition, as it has many useful substances in its composition, with the help of which the effectiveness of training increases. A democratic price makes it affordable for everyone.

Some write that Animal Pak can be replaced with "Gerimax Energy". It contains many vitamins and minerals that help to recover quickly after training and develop endurance.

All vitamins for athletes in the pharmacy are sold. Reviews say that one is not enough. It is also necessary to eat right. Eat lots of vegetables, cereals, eggs, meat, etc.

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